Physically/Mentally Impaired Driving (was "Outsourcing Self Control")


Fair amount of content relating to use of technology to limit dangerous behavior behind the wheel.  Excerpt:


Another app, Slow Down, alters the tempo of your music, depending on your driving speed, on an iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch. Using GPS, the music
slows if a preset speed limit is exceeded and stops completely if you're
over the limit by more than 10 mph. You can have your tunes back when
you slow down.

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nice story, i just hope it helps the txting while driving more in the future!!

It is called "authority worship."


But "Outsourcing Self-Control" is also a good summation.


This is typical of the God-Steve cultists.  Tell me what to think -and how to act!



And by all means don't make me take responsibility for my own actions and behavior. I'm too busy and too important.

This shit all needs to go in the categories "things old people fear" or "things old people can't do".


Driving is challenging all by itself and some people shouldn't be allowed and they are. The rest of this is nonsense.


My fav is that handicap drivers get a HUGE ass place to park the car. Parking is the easiest aspect of driving. In reality they should have Handicap Lanes just for these morons. Ofcourse then everyone would wanna drive in them and it would defeat the purpose.

It's about getting the damn chair out the side of the freaking vehicle dude -not about physically getting the vehicle in the space...



Gabe said:


My fav is that handicap drivers get a HUGE ass place to park the car. Parking is the easiest aspect of driving.

Is that why the car is parked at an angle across the spot? And why it takes a month for them to pull in and out of the spot. Or why you can unload in front of buildings? Gosh that makes so much sense!

You should just hope that you never have the need to use such a space/service...


Gabe said:

Is that why the car is parked at an angle across the spot? And why it takes a month for them to pull in and out of the spot. Or why you can unload in front of buildings? Gosh that makes so much sense!
I don't own a car. The Pace/CTA service that must serve the handicapped drops you off in the front of a building. Seems unlikely. Thanks for your concern.

And let's be very clear here. If this has to do with distracted drivers than physically able drivers would be of some import too. So if there is someone with a wheelchair that's driving a car we are more fucked than i care to imagine.


The vast majority of the handicapped spots are used by the elderly or obese/inferm (if you won't (not can't) walk you shouldn't be driving). Not the handicapped folks that James and now Mike are gonna go grab their pitchforks for. NPR had a great story a few months ago on the abuse of these spots and how there are people with no real problems that use those spots more than people that do.



Where are handicapped people mentioned in the article?  It seems to be strictly a technology-you-can-blame-for-not-paying-attention-to-the-task-at-hand piece.

Gabe said:

This shit all needs to go in the categories "things old people fear" or "things old people can't do".


Driving is challenging all by itself and some people shouldn't be allowed and they are. The rest of this is nonsense.


My fav is that handicap drivers get a HUGE ass place to park the car. Parking is the easiest aspect of driving. In reality they should have Handicap Lanes just for these morons. Ofcourse then everyone would wanna drive in them and it would defeat the purpose.

Ryan, read the first paragraph of my last response. As for technology - it's a scape goat. Some people shouldn't be driving PERIOD and they wanna make laws governing driving as a reason for ineptitude.


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