Nice first ride in the COLD.


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Well, besides that flat today... It was a "nice day for it!"


An old silkscreening project :)

Tomorrow should be interesting.  Just got back from TX.  Has anyone been on the roads (on a bike) this weekend?  How was it?

Little bit slushy this morning.  However, overall a good ride.  Supposed to be in the 40's later this week, yay!


Fenders are recommended.

in it to win it said:
Tomorrow should be interesting.  Just got back from TX.  Has anyone been on the roads (on a bike) this weekend?  How was it?
Necessity in Winter.  Recommended year round.

Tank-Ridin' Ryan said:
Fenders are recommended.

in it to win it said:
Tomorrow should be interesting.  Just got back from TX.  Has anyone been on the roads (on a bike) this weekend?  How was it?
I rode to the train station today and got some double takes. Got some uncomfortable long stares as I was locking up my bike at the station. Folks not use to seeing winter riding in the western burbs.

Hope you're okay, Minh.


I had a good ride after four long days without my bike.  I regret that I did something kind of dumb. I crossed in the middle of Milwaukee street to stop at the Village Discount. When I finally had a chance to cross, a car was pulling right into the spot I was going towards in order to get to the bike rack. So I just pedaled a few feet ahead of that spot. There happened to be a van there. All of a sudden, that van was pulling out of her spot...looking for traffic behind her, but not in front of her which is where I was.  Luckily, she looked in front of her van before driving away or I'd have been hit. She was angry with me. I'm not entirely sure I blame her.


I forget that sometimes people don't look in front of themselves or into the direction that they're traveling because they're so worried about what's coming towards them. This seems especially true with people who are parking as well as those making right turns.


Less traffic today which was nice, but I think people who were driving seemed kinda flakey.

Ugh. Think I was semi-dui this morning.  Why does that extra glass of wine always seem like a good idea the night before?

Thankfully the streets are getting better.  I hope the warm weather/rain does some more clearing later this week.

I've had that happen to a bike.  It was amazing how much faster my bike seemed afterwards!

Serge Lubomudrov said:

My Schwinn has been alone at the bike room for the last three (business) days. Hmm.

This morning I decided to check the brakes on my way to work. REI on Halsted is overwhelmed with all the snow things, so I had to ride to another bike shop, where it was found that I've been riding with a broken rear axle for who know how long. Ouch.

Anyway, it's all fixed now :)

Ridden a few miles almost every day for weeks (nothing compared to you commuters), and am coming to the conclusion that in this weather its the SAFEST method of travel.  As last year, my fixie's bald narrow tires nevertheless seem to perform like a dream, and rare slips just remind me of skating.  I did remount its rear brake in fall, and am grateful.  Wondering if the light spryness of fixie serves well in all seasons.

Hope you're okay, Minh.

Yeah be careful!


Today was nice, sunny a little slushy but warm for this time of year.

This weekend is going to be nasty rain, melting snow then going back below freezing.


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