The Santa Rampage has just been listed:

Surpisingly decent Santa suits can be had for around $20 at Walgreen's.

Thanks, Martin!

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/updates courtesy of J M!

Will those be coming to a Facebook near you?

(Gabe: Guess I should... Conceivably I could extend massup to do it automatically.)


Reflecting, that may have been the single densest with my very favorite people rides ever. So so many came out, some extremely rare and dear.


I counted 40 early (29 Santas, 7 elves, 4 other), definitely missing a few, nor counting latecomers.  Only a handful of names I didn't know.  Long-timers, what's the record?


Holiday Rampage photos from MassUp now on the book of face (tag!):


yay! :-)

Andrew Bedno said:

Holiday Rampage photos from MassUp now on the book of face (tag!):


I am just now being informed that there is a bar on the 7th floor of the macys in the old marshall fields building. We need to put that on the itenarary next year.
We would be tossed out. It's a restaurant and while not as hoy paloy as it was back in the day (in my g-ma's time it was a big deal to go there) it's still a lil more fancy then 40 santa's in suits.

You're welcome to any photos from my last two years or those from this year.

These four in particular are pretty quintessential: Santa pyramid (2010), Santas at WGN (2010), Santas with moose and cigar (2009), group shot minus some (2008).

I'd send originals if needed, but just save straight from view should be fine for the web.  Retain the watermark if possible (or otherwise credit).

There's also a few videos.

H3N3 said:

Need some rampage pics for the bikewinter site-- can we have permission for some/any of the ones posted or linked here?


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