A crime worse that stealing bikes in my opinion! 
Way below freezing and coming to find your transportation has been kicked and broken to the point of not being able to ride it home.  This just happened to a close friend, as it's happened to me.  Now he's going to have to either pay to get it fixed or may have to get a new bike.  This is disgusting beyond words.

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I could help your friend put if back together... They would just have to pay for any parts needed, and there's a few places to pick up used parts around so that may help on the cost.
I agree with Howard, when and where would be a public service to everyone who reads this forum. One can't always choose to park somewhere else but sometimes knowing this kind of info will be enough to change plans or shop somewhere else if there is a problem area that needs to be avoided.
It happened after 2am on western and milwaukee parked under the el southwest corner. Thanks guys! He got a new wheel today. All fixed. :-) The old one is crazy bent!


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