We all have them. It is the part of our bike we get most close and personal with. They are as varied as our bikes. Many saddles are sex-specific. Price does not always buy comfort. Commuters have different requirements than recreational riders. For high mileage riders, your saddle is the one part of your bike (pedals, too) you are most likely to transfer to a new ride. There have been some very odd saddles designed over the years. Saddles can also be a statement, that makes your bike stand out from the crowd.
So.... show us your saddle, give some details, and tell us why you like/hate it.
Here is my contribution:
Brooks Champion Special, based on the B17 design. The 175mm width is perfect for my “sit bones”. I have used the narrower (160mm) Team Professional model in the past, but the B17 design is most comfortable for me, especially after 50 or so miles. Large copper rivets and rails complement the overall look. I store a spare tube in the nose, and cleat covers in the back.
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