As some of you know, I'm currently working on my doctorate in Transportation Planning at UIC. As part of my research on privacy issues in Intelligent Transportation Systems and Location Based Services, I have developed an on-line survey asking
questions about people's privacy preferences in relation to
transportation services and benefits.

The survey takes about 15-35 minutes, and responses are anonymous. The only personally
identifying information we collect is an email address if you choose to
take part in a prize raffle; however, these addresses will not be
associated with your survey answers and will be deleted once all prizes
have been distributed. The survey has been reviewed and approved by the UIC Institutional Review Board.

The survey may be accessed at If you have some time, please consider taking the survey and, if you're
willing, please feel free to forward the link to anyone else you think
might be willing to participate. I will, of course, be happy to respond to any questions about the survey or the larger research project.

Thanks for your time!


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I took it, very thorough. The only thing that was not clear was near the end where it asks if you would share certain types of information and it was "vehicle", whether that meant information that could identify the particular vehicle (vin, s/n etc) or just basic information (make model year etc). I assumed it was the 2nd since the first two already covered identifying me.
Chris - good point. I was thinking more of the second type of information - general information (bike or car make, color, etc.). Should have made it clearer. Thanks for taking part!

Chris B said:
I took it, very thorough. The only thing that was not clear was near the end where it asks if you would share certain types of information and it was "vehicle", whether that meant information that could identify the particular vehicle (vin, s/n etc) or just basic information (make model year etc). I assumed it was the 2nd since the first two already covered identifying me.
How long is your survey going and are you going to post your results...
Curt -
The survey will be available for about two weeks, depending upon the number of responses. Once I've done the analysis, I'll prepare a summary of the findings and post a link to the document here. I'm getting a good response thus far, and I think should be able to do some interesting analysis (interesting, that is, if like me you're a privacy geek!).

Curt H Moore said:
How long is your survey going and are you going to post your results...


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