Curious to what readers think of the following bike commuter habits.  Some are mine, some I've observed:  good/bad/indifferent



talking on cell phone (in hand/on shoulder)

talking on cell phone w/headset

easing through stop w/no cross traffic

using clip-in pedals

riding w/no hands

riding side-by-side in traffic/downtown

tailgating another rider

using "hand gesture" to drivers that yell or cut you off

circling in intersection while waiting on light to turn green

riding on dirt (i.e. running) paths on lakefront

smoking cigarette/pipe/cigar



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headphones— Probably not a good idea

talking on cell phone (in hand/on shoulder)—Should have their bikes taken away

talking on cell phone w/headset—Should have their tires deflated

easing through stop w/no cross traffic—Do it all the time

using clip-in pedals—Not my thing

riding w/no hands—Stay away from me!

riding side-by-side in traffic/downtown—Please don't

tailgating another rider—I will stop abruptly if you don't get off my wheel

using "hand gesture" to drivers that yell or cut you off—Good times

circling in intersection while waiting on light to turn green—Learn how to clip in and unclip

riding on dirt (i.e. running) paths on lakefront—Mystifying

smoking cigarette/pipe/cigar—Good times
Not too bad
OK, IF there truly is no cross traffic
After you get used to them OK, not for beginers
Only when showing off for the cute girl (guy) watching you
Depends if you know the front rider
Dumb...but guilty of it
If no one is on the dirt path who cares?
I hate when I'm trying to push my speed only to get a lungfull of smoke, it sucks...
headphones - no

talking on cell phone (in hand/on shoulder) -hell no

talking on cell phone w/headset - no

easing through stop w/no cross traffic - yes

using clip-in pedals - no

riding w/no hands - no

riding side-by-side in traffic/downtown - huh? I take lanes in the Loop at rush hour.

tailgating another rider - Its called drafting. On the LFP only.

using "hand gesture" to drivers that yell or cut you off - yes
circling in intersection while waiting on light to turn green - no.

riding on dirt (i.e. running) paths on lakefront - the only guys I see doing this are training for CX

smoking cigarette/pipe/cigar - no.
headphones: Idiots

talking on cell phone (in hand/on shoulder): Morons

talking on cell phone w/headset: Geeky morons

easing through stop w/no cross traffic: Better than blithely blowing through

using clip-in pedals: WOULD NOT ride anywhere WITHOUT my step-in pedals. Not even across the street!

riding w/no hands: In traffic and around people = Huge Moron! No one around, no big deal.

riding side-by-side in traffic/downtown: Kind of rude, I don't do this except for the FBC!

tailgating another rider: Very rude if you don't know them and any rider drafting on the Lake Front is a wienie.

using "hand gesture" to drivers that yell or cut you off: Depends upon the "gesture."

circling in intersection while waiting on light to turn green: If you're not getting in anyone's way, what's the big deal?

riding on dirt (i.e. running) paths on lakefront: I do this, these are as multipurpose as anything else on the lake front, save the skate parks.

smoking cigarette/pipe/cigar: Cancer sticks, yeah, people are dumb.

What is this survey for?
headphones - no

talking on cell phone (in hand/on shoulder) - no

talking on cell phone w/headset- no, hearing what's around you is at least as important as seeing what's around you

easing through stop w/no cross traffic - you'd better be sure

using clip-in pedals - I'll never go back to platform, though clipless take some time to get used to

riding w/no hands - only if you can somehow make the bike rapidly veer with your mind

riding side-by-side in traffic/downtown - 2 abreast is legal

tailgating another rider - only if the "pulling" rider is cool with it, getting your front wheel taken out by someone who doesn't know you're there isn't worth the wind protection

using "hand gesture" to drivers that yell or cut you off - haha

circling in intersection while waiting on light to turn green - douchily impatient and potentially dangerous

riding on dirt (i.e. running) paths on lakefront - only if there aren't runners

smoking cigarette/pipe/cigar - to your health
headphones - It seems kinda dumb, but crappy headphones on low volume allow in a lot of ambient sound. I still don't do this.

talking on cell phone (in hand/on shoulder) - Unless you're receiving instructions from your dispatcher, pull to the curb and stop.

talking on cell phone w/headset - See headphones above.

easing through stop w/no cross traffic - Shhh...

using clip-in pedals - Always.

riding w/no hands - Probably somewhat easier than riding with no legs.

riding side-by-side in traffic/downtown - "Two riding side by side is a tragedy. Two thousand riding side by side is Critical Mass."

tailgating another rider - Can you handle a death pull? If yes, have at it.

using "hand gesture" to drivers that yell or cut you off - Let it go.

circling in intersection while waiting on light to turn green - CHECK OUT MY NEW FIXED GEAR BIKE I JUST BOUGHT, YO.

riding on dirt (i.e. running) paths on lakefront - Had no idea there was such a thing.

smoking cigarette/pipe/cigar - Do it while wearing a monocle and clutching a glass of brandy with your other hand for added awesomeness.
All: indifferent (except tailgating, I kinda like it when people draft behind me on the LFP).

Except for easing through stops when there's no cross-traffic, I don't do any of them, but none of them really bother me either. All in all, I think people spend way too much time worrying and complaining about the habits of others.

Dangerous riding bothers me when somebody almost hits me, but I couldn't care less what kind of pedals are on the bike when that happens.
headphones - never... gotta have ALL the senses working. Hearing is right behind seeing.

talking on cell phone (in hand/on shoulder) - I have done it, but almost never... see above statement.

talking on cell phone w/headset - Nope.. never.. grand Pu-bah of dorkyness.

easing through stop w/no cross traffic - yea, I do that - but carefully (assuming you mean a "Red light")

using clip-in pedals - always.. are there any other kind?

riding w/no hands - sometimes, when safely able

riding side-by-side in traffic/downtown - only if I get to be the one on the outside, otherwise why chance it?

tailgating another rider - pace-line/drafting only

using "hand gesture" to drivers that yell or cut you off - not usually. car trumps bike

circling in intersection while waiting on light to turn green - sometimes, usually a track stand though

riding on dirt (i.e. running) paths on lakefront - sure

smoking cigarette/pipe/cigar - NEVER... eww. laugh at people doing that while riding. Reminds me of the scene where John Candy is playing racquetball while smoking.

Michael Perz said:

smoking cigarette/pipe/cigar - Do it while wearing a monocle and clutching a glass of brandy with your other hand for added awesomeness.

Yeah I guess I wouldn't mind a lungfull of secondhand smoke to see someone THAT awesome riding
headphones— practice what i say not what i do. i do listen to music at times when it is 'apparently safe'

talking on cell phone (in hand/on shoulder)—if you see someone doing this, jump in front of what happens when they brake quickly with only one hand on the bars. that kind of accident is how i stopped talking on the phone.

talking on cell phone w/headset—meh

easing through stop w/no cross traffic—only if no one is around. i DO stop if cars/pedestrians are present. the bike community does need to own up to this infraction.

using clip-in pedals—my feet need to be free...personal preference.

riding w/no hands—look ma!

riding side-by-side in traffic/downtown—i find this annoying and incredibly rude anywhere motor vehicle traffic is present except group rides...but on group rides i hate when that one person decides to start their own lane next to the one we are already taking up.

tailgating another rider—brake check

using "hand gesture" to drivers that yell or cut you off—fuck yeah

circling in intersection while waiting on light to turn green—either track stand or put your foot down and assume a spot.

riding on dirt (i.e. running) paths on lakefront—only in moments of necessity

smoking cigarette/pipe/cigar—lame
Stop as yield if no cross traffic
Depends on what bike I choose to ride
Can't comment, never ridden downtown
Better not on burrito day and I won't tell when that is
I'd smile and say "Have a nice day.".............asshole
Few, if any traffic lights in my area to even worry about this
They're your lungs. I take better care of mine.
Phones-No, Cell Phone- pull over to talk, Easing thru stop- better not, Using Clip-in Pedals, If you know how to release yourself properly, no problem, No hands- no way! Side-by-side downtown- no way,Tailgating- No, "Hand Gesture"- asking for trouble, Circling- doubtful, Riding on dirt- destructive to trails, especially in wet weather, Smoking, I don't do that anyway.


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