Hello fellow unicyclists!  I know you're out there, so why am I having such a hard time finding you?  Myself and my one uni-cycling friend recently started getting together for rides, and we would like to invite anyone who rides a unicycle to join us!  We are not exactly advanced riders; we haven't gotten into any advanced tricks but plan to do so in the future.  But for now, join us for a ride, regardless of your skill level!  I live in Pilsen and my friend lives in Ukrainian Village, but we are open to meeting other places; perhaps the lakefront?  Let me know if you're interested!

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I know matt robin unicycles. he's on the chainlink.
Couldn't find "matt robin" on here. Know of anyone else?

This is funny: Someone saw my post and told my friend (mentioned above; he's the only other unicyclist I know) to contact me! Apparently there are less unicyclists in Chicago than I thought!
Time for you guys to plan a ride on the calendar, start a group, and maybe they will come :))

I'm sure they are out there. I saw a unicyclist on Clark near Belmont a few days ago (maybe it was one of you two).....
The correct spelling is Matt Roben

Paul Roots said:
Couldn't find "matt robin" on here. Know of anyone else?

This is funny: Someone saw my post and told my friend (mentioned above; he's the only other unicyclist I know) to contact me! Apparently there are less unicyclists in Chicago than I thought!
I really want to learn how to ride a unicycle. I've been watching craigslist for an inexpensive one to learn on, but haven't seen too much come up.
Maybe West Town, Recyclery, Nearly New or Working Bikes has one?

Oh and yes, Matt Roben. Good call Duppie. I like Matt's pictures too.

jamimaria said:
I really want to learn how to ride a unicycle. I've been watching craigslist for an inexpensive one to learn on, but haven't seen too much come up.
Actually....I think I might have found one on ebay....so maybe I'll be getting it and giving this a try.

During my first winter in Chicago, I was driving (i know) to a friends house and was creeping along in traffic...going 5 miles an hour. While I was stuck in traffic, a unicycle went zooming by me...the guy looked so happy.

Also, I was wondering if it might be possible to retrofit a unicycle as a single wheel bike trailer. Anyone ever try this?

Julie Hochstadter said:
Maybe West Town, Recyclery, Nearly New or Working Bikes has one?

Oh and yes, Matt Roben. Good call Duppie. I like Matt's pictures too.

jamimaria said:
I really want to learn how to ride a unicycle. I've been watching craigslist for an inexpensive one to learn on, but haven't seen too much come up.
hi. I might be interested depending on the time. In any case I have a unicycle or 2 I could lend someone - no giraffes here but might be able to get that out of storage for next summer.

To learn, tape dry kitchen sponges on the corners of your seat. Put the back of the wheel on a curb with one pedal back and down a bit. Step on that one to get on, start pedaling like a madman while leaning forward a bit, and be ready to catch the back of the seat when you fall off. I think fast and smooth pedaling works better for learning than slow and deliberate. Flatter tires keep a straighter line when you're learning.

Later, just do the same thing but juggle indian clubs at the same time.

We could join the Kidical Mass - it goes at a good unicycle speed.

Working bikes has had them but it's hard to find a frame, post, seat and wheel all attached. I think there's a 20 or 24 inch frame there now without wheel or seat - light blue and silver?
There was a guy on a Unicycle at Critical Mass a couple of months ago. I was amazed how far he went. THe best was when we went past a carnival (western and armatage i think) he stopped and got a slurpie and hopped back on the mass slurpie in hand. It looked like a blase.
Great, glad to hear you're interested! I'll keep you (and everyone else here) posted about our next ride. Do Sundays work for you?

I may just start a new unicycle club on this site. I just joined, so I'm still figuring everything out.

Allen Wrench said:
hi. I might be interested depending on the time. In any case I have a unicycle or 2 I could lend someone - no giraffes here but might be able to get that out of storage for next summer.

To learn, tape dry kitchen sponges on the corners of your seat. Put the back of the wheel on a curb with one pedal back and down a bit. Step on that one to get on, start pedaling like a madman while leaning forward a bit, and be ready to catch the back of the seat when you fall off. I think fast and smooth pedaling works better for learning than slow and deliberate. Flatter tires keep a straighter line when you're learning.

Later, just do the same thing but juggle indian clubs at the same time.

We could join the Kidical Mass - it goes at a good unicycle speed.

Working bikes has had them but it's hard to find a frame, post, seat and wheel all attached. I think there's a 20 or 24 inch frame there now without wheel or seat - light blue and silver?
If you haven't bought one yet, I might have one for you.

jamimaria said:
I really want to learn how to ride a unicycle. I've been watching craigslist for an inexpensive one to learn on, but haven't seen too much come up.
Amanda K and i were teaching ourselves how to ride. this was in humboldt park early summer. im able to ride about 75-100 ft at the moment. havent ridden at all tho since.

free time is my biggest obstable.

Jami, i got mine new out da box for $75...something like this http://www.ebikestop.com/sun_bicycles_classic_unicycle_28_inch_2010...


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