Just read this article on supposedly extremely high winds for tomorrow. I am still going to do my 8 miles commute to work, but curious if this type of thing stops any of you from cycling to work or just cycling in general? 

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Hi Michael A!

I also live around California and Lincoln- I don't have to leave as early as you do as my job isn't quite as far. It's great to know there are other commuters living in my area, as I was beginning to think that my boyfriend and I were the only ones known as "the bike people."

Michael A said:
I biked into work today. I left California and Lincoln at 6 am. Lincoln to foster then east to the lake front path. Then south to work. I got to McCormick place at 6:45. It was warm and dry at first then it rained sideways. Most of all it was windy as hell. There were several other bikers along the way. Average speed was 15 mph. I guess I will not have to do intervals tonight.
I think I did just about all of my commute during a lull in the storm. I barely got wet and the winds weren't as bad as a few days just last week.

I'm really hoping for a bit of a spectacle tonight. I love storms!
Are you sure about that? Or maybe it was a tornado watch? Tornado warnings rarely do last that long.

They are often confused, but he difference is kind of important. A Tornado Watch would be cause for the cyclist to stay informed about the weather and be willing to change his/her plans as needed. A Tornado Warning should cause the smart cyclist to cancel whatever plans he/she had.

Nancy Easton said:
Weather Channel has now posted a Tornado Warning for Chicago (Chicago!!?) and beyond until tonight. Be safe!
Took the bus to the Brown line (after I missed my Metra train) and that to downtown. Slooooowwww!
But on the upside, it gave me a chance to catch up on some work related reading. So it was not entirely wasted
Hmm. Good thing to note. Whatever it was, it has now been removed from my app so I can't go back and find it, which suggests that maybe it really was a Warning but I misunderstood how long it was in effect. They still have a High Wind Warning, though, in place from 7am until 8pm (same one as yesterday).

Duppie said:
Are you sure about that? Or maybe it was a tornado watch? Tornado warnings rarely do last that long.

They are often confused, but he difference is kind of important. A Tornado Watch would be cause for the cyclist to stay informed about the weather and be willing to change his/her plans as needed. A Tornado Warning should cause the smart cyclist to cancel whatever plans he/she had.

Nancy Easton said:
Weather Channel has now posted a Tornado Warning for Chicago (Chicago!!?) and beyond until tonight. Be safe!
From where I'm sitting it appears that the original forecast was exaggerated. Seems like maximum sustained winds were around 20mph?
I left Lincoln and Montrose around 8am heading south to Damen and Fulton. The weather wasn't too bad. My biggest problem was almost getting squeezed by a cab by the river and the puddles that cars would drive through. I saw about 10 other cyclists. All in all though a good ride.
I think I may have hit the worst of the weather this morning around 7:30 a.m. or maybe a bit later, as I hit a lot of downpours and strong gusts taking Lincoln to Wells and Wells to Chicago. Of course, the weather cleared up right AFTER I made it to work around 8:00 a.m. I saw only one or two other cyclists the entire route from Lincoln/California going south to Wells/Chicago.
Yeah, I read a book.

Duppie said:
Took the bus to the Brown line (after I missed my Metra train) and that to downtown. Slooooowwww!
But on the upside, it gave me a chance to catch up on some work related reading. So it was not entirely wasted
I left about 7:45 and took Clark from Wilson to Madison. Not too bad, although I did catch a big downpour through Lincoln Park. Worst part was just south of North Ave with those westerly wind tunnels between the Sandburg homes. Looking forward to the ride home tonight (last night was great)
This morning my wristwatch barometer hit its lowest reading ever in four years. I biked from Bucktown to Union Station about 6:30 a.m. and it was windy and spitting rain. Opted to take BNSF rather than UP West in order to cut my ride to work from 7 miles to 1 mile. Again, conditions were not bad. Contemplating riding back to Chicago this evening--about 30 miles--in Ogden Avenue corridor to take advantage of the tailwinds. Barometer is starting to climb and sun is shining periodically.
The racks at UIC are pretty sparse today, with plenty of tipped over bikes to boot. The ride in from Pilsen wasn't bad at all.


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