Join us for a Full Moon ghost hunting bike ride!


Meeting at Manny's Deli at 6:30 PM.


Event is here:

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Somehow I always knew about the Eastland, but never connected where it actually sunk. That's right outside of my office. I'm going to go check it out on my lunch break.

I don't understand how Harpo Studios is haunted with the Eastland Ghosts, but apparently, that was where they took the recovered bodies.

H3N3 said:
844 dead between Clark and LaSalle:
Isn't the Candy Man from Cabrini Green?
I'm really going to have to assume that Bohemian National is locked at night. I know Graceland closes at 4:30 and doesn't even allow bikes. But of course we could just ride past.
Candy Man is from Cabrini Green. I read it in the Wikipedia, so it must be true.

I actually remember watching that as a kid and being scared of mirrors for years. It didn't help that my family had this cheesy mirror colored wall right in our living room.

And, the cemetaries would be locked at night, but we can always go around the outside. At least it's possible to see stuff in there, unlike the massive wall at Graceland.
I posted these on your FB too, but
Our Lady of the Angels fire at West Iowa Street and North Avers Avenue, the memorials at the cemetary are cool, but far in Hillside.
the Sausage Vat Murder at Hermitage Avenue and Diversey Parkway , although that's all condo's now, so its not as creepy as it used to be.
Thanks for the locations, Liz. We are going to have to go back to doing this on the Full moon for full effect. The only thing is that there are so many Haunted Chicago sites that it's going to be hard to narrow it down.

For gear, I'm planning on bringing a compass, ouija board, mirrors and every recording device that I have. I've never done ghost hunting before, is there anything that I should bring? Is there a preference on general location?
An EMF detector is said to be handy in ghosthunting.

jamimaria said:
Thanks for the locations, Liz. We are going to have to go back to doing this on the Full moon for full effect. The only thing is that there are so many Haunted Chicago sites that it's going to be hard to narrow it down.

For gear, I'm planning on bringing a compass, ouija board, mirrors and every recording device that I have. I've never done ghost hunting before, is there anything that I should bring? Is there a preference on general location?
some friends and i broke into the TB asylum in high school. that was absolutely the creepiest thing i've done in my life. there were patient records still in the basement and in what looked like morgue rooms, with patient tables and huge lights overhead.

jamimaria said:
North Park Village: A former Tuberculosis Asylum, now a retirement home. A lot of deaths per acre to be sure.
The event is posted here:

It is the same night as the full moon fiasco. I never heard back from Dana regarding teaming up...but there are enough cyclists to support two late night bike rides. If possible, I'll see if we can meet them towards the end of the paranormal researching. However, the ride will spent mostly in the outdoors, visiting the sites. Hopefully it doesn't rain.

We'll spend some time at each site to recount the general history, and then do some "experiments" to detect "spirits." If you want your own spirits, please bring them discreetly.
Count me as 5 people interested!
Would you like me to line up my actor friends to tell real Chicago stories? I work in Chicago theatre and have lots of Chicago bike riding actor friends that can do the stories well.... of course, anyone else would be welcome to do a story too... but I could organize it all.
the FBC ride is the 23rd, is theis fide on the 22 or the 23?

The next FBC RIDE:

Whether snow, sleet, rain, flood, or just cold as shit:

September 23, 2010 Gannon's Pub @ 8

4264 Lincoln Ave

Though sometimes late, we never cancel a ride.


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