I recently noticed these around town and I was wondering if they are "real" bikes or just a form of advertising.
I admire the ingenuity of this guerrilla advertising but I hate to loose the good spots to tie my bike. I can only imagine how frustrating it
can be to loose a parking spot to a red bull car.

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Some of your comments have been featured on Curbed: Chicago.
I saw one out on the road today at St. Claire and Ohio.
Well we have no w bullied a real estate company into complying with our will, what is next?

I figure of we keep doing this bigger and bigger each time taking baby steps from one organization to a slightly smaller one Chainlink will be able to shape city political policy by the end of 3011.

No, the '3' is not a typo.
Your first mistake is to look for a point in my posts.

H3N3 said:
"Bullied?" Whatever. I'm too tired to try to figure out what your point may be.
It looks to me like the realty company was glad to have the negative publicity (and possibly even hoped for it), and was not any more sincere about being apologetic than about the claim that the bikes were being used regularly by employees.
I wonder what 'Curbed' got out of the deal?

notoriousDUG said:
Well we have no w bullied a real estate company into complying with our will, what is next?

I figure of we keep doing this bigger and bigger each time taking baby steps from one organization to a slightly smaller one Chainlink will be able to shape city political policy by the end of 3011.

No, the '3' is not a typo.

Do any of these exist anymore?

Maybe they want people to steal them...

and ride them around :)


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