I found this interesting and thought I would pass it on. I never considered the fact that what and how I eat had this much of an impact on anything more than my own health and well being. Chalk one up for the Veggiemonster :)


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Jason said:
And as I said before, "I eat meat because it tastes good" is a weak argument IMO. In light of all the evidence of what the costs of a meat rich diet are to the planet, it's health and ultimately and literally our own health as a species, that's basically the same argument as saying "I have sex with underage girls in brothels in Thailand because it is physically pleasurable."

Woo hoo! Now single-family homeowners are morally-bankrupt too!

When do we start bitching about people who don't like the same kinds of music and movies that you(general) do?

Now give me that shovel - it's not helping! (Or is that 'get off your horse'?)

tzizzle said:
You can't just focus on changing individual minds. You have to change the system: the built environment, institutions of various sorts, economic power relations, etc.

People didn't come out of the womb addicted to SUV's and single-family homes. They were trained after years of conditioning.

Deciding whether or not to eat meat has some political value. But it's not going to change the world. To do that, to make all food production sustainable and make the entire US bikable, we're going to need to talk about social movements.

Essential reading for anyone convinced that we have to make radical changes to avert eco-catastrophes in the near future: http://www.ecologyandsocialism.org/
If it's thailand it's a boy.

I was gonna add a pic but even that passes my boundries.

I do enjoy that someone awhile back in this nonsense said we need more regulation for the meat industry. Love hippies that want MORE laws. ;-)

And Ryan, some peeps are in desperate need of a proctology exam to get all the crap out! ;-)

I'm not like Jason. I don't give a shit what anyone eats or how they live their life. I don't want more government regulation. Government is corrupt and full of shit. Some people recycle because they think it will save the environment.... well good for them?

Groups like PETA and even Critical Mass just piss people off more than covert them to their cause. I think it's hilariously fucking retarded how there's so much division and arrogance within these fringe groups. I want legalization of marijuana and all illegal narcotics. I want the gun ban to be lifted in Chicago. Yeah that's the kind of vegan I am.
Gabe, I'm getting to the point where I'm going to start forgetting how to say anything but 'Mmmmmmm'.

Gabe said:

I just wish I could see past the straw man and through all the holier-than-thou BS to his righteousness.

H3N3 said:
He's kind of right though.


Tank-Ridin' Ryan said:

Jason said:
And as I said before, "I eat meat because it tastes good" is a weak argument IMO. In light of all the evidence of what the costs of a meat rich diet are to the planet, it's health and ultimately and literally our own health as a species, that's basically the same argument as saying "I have sex with underage girls in brothels in Thailand because it is physically pleasurable."

i lost count of straw men... be cool to have a find engine (ctrl-f) and type in "{fallacy}" on a page.
though not especially proud of certain characteristics, i am:
1. willful/stubborn
2. ignorant
3. denial of many things

but at least i can work my way up from there.
if you or anyone you know are none of the above, i am glad for you -- you know everything... and i would idolize you if i didn't have #3 on my list.

i love the french foie gras rep that said "ittes not cruel, ittes deliscious" -Magnifique

WTF? How dare you be ignorant of things? I can't believe you'd allow that. It was such a gross feeling when I used to not know everything. I just don't know how you can go on being ignorant.

thang van ung said:
i lost count of straw men... be cool to have a find engine (ctrl-f) and type in "{fallacy}" on a page.
though not especially proud of certain characteristics, i am:
1. willful/stubborn
2. ignorant
3. denial of many things

but at least i can work my way up from there.
if you or anyone you know are none of the above, i am glad for you -- you know everything... and i would idolize you if i didn't have #3 on my list.

i love the french foie gras rep that said "ittes not cruel, ittes deliscious" -Magnifique
Minh's stock went up a lil:
"I want legalization of marijuana and all illegal narcotics. I want the gun ban to be lifted in Chicago. Yeah that's the kind of vegan I am."

Ryan I got this goin in the Kitchen:

Hey Minh,
What's up with the profanity. Can't get your point across without it?

Minh Nguyen said:
I'm not like Jason. I don't give a shit what anyone eats or how they live their life. I don't want more government regulation. Government is corrupt and full of shit. Some people recycle because they think it will save the environment.... well good for them?

Groups like PETA and even Critical Mass just piss people off more than covert them to their cause. I think it's hilariously fucking retarded how there's so much division and arrogance within these fringe groups. I want legalization of marijuana and all illegal narcotics. I want the gun ban to be lifted in Chicago. Yeah that's the kind of vegan I am.
hahahahahaha Fuck! ;-)

Duppie said:
Hey Minh,
What's up with the profanity. Can't get your point across without it?

Minh Nguyen said:
I'm not like Jason. I don't give a shit what anyone eats or how they live their life. I don't want more government regulation. Government is corrupt and full of shit. Some people recycle because they think it will save the environment.... well good for them?

Groups like PETA and even Critical Mass just piss people off more than covert them to their cause. I think it's hilariously fucking retarded how there's so much division and arrogance within these fringe groups. I want legalization of marijuana and all illegal narcotics. I want the gun ban to be lifted in Chicago. Yeah that's the kind of vegan I am.


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