It's coming again this saturday, I posted an event listing in the calender section.

Who's going? Word has it, no crazy off road stuff so sound systems are encouraged!!


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WOO great ride last night. I especially love the surprise appearance of Martin at the end! I don't even think I had that much fun playing in a park as a kid!
did his surprise reappearance involve crashing into a parked luxury car? I wish I had stuck around longer. It was waaay fun.

Ammo said:
WOO great ride last night. I especially love the surprise appearance of Martin at the end! I don't even think I had that much fun playing in a park as a kid!
We lost him for a bitand then he appeared at our end point. I don't know how he found us, we could barely hear him on the walkie talkie.
Willy said:
did his surprise reappearance involve crashing into a parked luxury car? I wish I had stuck around longer. It was waaay fun.

Ammo said:
WOO great ride last night. I especially love the surprise appearance of Martin at the end! I don't even think I had that much fun playing in a park as a kid!
Last nights ride was very fun. It never got down to the predicted 28 degrees. it tended to hover around 35 or so. the total mileage of the trip from where we started to where we finished was 15.52 miles.
The bit leading up to the secret ending spot was way cool. Normaly riding a bike in that area would be suicide without the fancy title, but at quarter to four in the morning it was a pleasure. And Martin's suprise appearance at the end was really cool. we had all written him off after he creamed that Audi.
HAHAHA. T'was a magical ride. I took a step back and looked at all of us playing on swings, flipping on monkey bars and bouncing on teetertoters and cracked the f*ck up. One of the best Marauder's moments.

Reddog said:
Last nights ride was very fun. It never got down to the predicted 28 degrees. it tended to hover around 35 or so. the total mileage of the trip from where we started to where we finished was 15.52 miles.
The bit leading up to the secret ending spot was way cool. Normaly riding a bike in that area would be suicide without the fancy title, but at quarter to four in the morning it was a pleasure. And Martin's suprise appearance at the end was really cool. we had all written him off after he creamed that Audi.

Here are Pics that I took from the ride, if i forgot/didn't know/or know you don't want your name on there I left it out...if you do want your name on there lemme know and I'll add it...If you don't want your name on there I can take it off as well. ;-)

Hope all is well and it was a GREAT Ride! ;-)
Glad everybody had a good time. Hats off to PJ for a great first ride planning. He is the second newest member of the Council of Elders, our own Ammo being the newest. The "Council" is the shadowy cabal that plans these events, for those unfamiliar. PJ delivered on this one, and I think we can expect great things from Ammo as well.
As to my surprise reappearance, since planning is involved, and we follow a route (unlike some rides), there should be no mystery. As far as how I got lost, that is one for the ages. I also don't know who parked that damn Audi in my way, but at least I scratched it. That will teach them.
Look forward to seeing you all on the X-mass ride, where we will seek to defile all of your heart-felt, and/or religious traditions.
P.S. We will post on the CL, but last minuet updates regarding meeting time/place will be posted at .Over the winter we sometimes switch it up, and I would hate to have a bunch of you freezing in the alley out back of the H-bar, wondering if I creamed another luxury sedan, and disappeared.

Thanks for getting my good side Gabe!


Gabe said:

Here are Pics that I took from the ride, if i forgot/didn't know/or know you don't want your name on there I left it out...if you do want your name on there lemme know and I'll add it...If you don't want your name on there I can take it off as well. ;-)

Hope all is well and it was a GREAT Ride! ;-)
Hey Ammo;I would like your e-mail. You know me,I was in the back with you on that ride. My is Tony I had the bright yellow jacket. I tryed to add you as my friend ,but need e-mail. I think this is cool we should have way more. Idon't even drink & was tipping over like a tree. ( but that was my new ceats). Ammo isn't your name. Here is my e-mail .
hmm we are already friends. Look in your friend's list, you are in mine.

buddaa38 said:
Hey Ammo;I would like your e-mail. You know me,I was in the back with you on that ride. My is Tony I had the bright yellow jacket. I tryed to add you as my friend ,but need e-mail. I think this is cool we should have way more. Idon't even drink & was tipping over like a tree. ( but that was my new ceats). Ammo isn't your name. Here is my e-mail .
Martin Hazard said:
I also don't know who parked that damn Audi in my way, but at least I scratched it. That will teach them.

those audi's are tricky beasts
Gabe seemed to capture all of our cute drunk mugs.


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