I recently noticed these around town and I was wondering if they are "real" bikes or just a form of advertising.
I admire the ingenuity of this guerrilla advertising but I hate to loose the good spots to tie my bike. I can only imagine how frustrating it
can be to loose a parking spot to a red bull car.

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Donate them to West Town Bikes, Working Bikes or any one of the other stand up bike not for profits in the Chicago area.
Thanks for these ideas, James. We're definitely going to talk about this.

James Baum said:
Maybe you could raffle them off for some worthy charity -maybe one of the bike-related charities in the local area. Or make your own to raise awareness of lack of bike racks!

That would go a long way towards repairing any ill-will with the riding community IMHO.

Those are nice commuter bikes and I'm sure there are many chicago area commuters who would be happy to have such a solid bike.
Good call, notoriousDUG. Will consider it. Thanks!

notoriousDUG said:
Donate them to West Town Bikes, Working Bikes or any one of the other stand up bike not for profits in the Chicago area.
John -- I'd personally love to see domu keep a few of these bikes at your office and encourage your employees to take advantage of them to get around the neighborhood or get to meetings. We have that at my office, and it's a great perk. It would earn you some "green" cred, and then your ads would be seen while the bikes are actually being utilized. Extra credit if your office can win the Bike to Work Week competition.
I think this is a great idea -they already have locks for the bikes even.

The only issue is the liability issue. If someone got hurt on one of the bike that belonged to the company it probably would be a legal nightmare. It's something to look into at least with the business insurance policy. I have an idea of what they would say...

crandell said:
John -- I'd personally love to see domu keep a few of these bikes at your office and encourage your employees to take advantage of them to get around the neighborhood or get to meetings. We have that at my office, and it's a great perk. It would earn you some "green" cred, and then your ads would be seen while the bikes are actually being utilized. Extra credit if your office can win the Bike to Work Week competition.
To crandell and James, for sure. I didn't mean to imply that we're ditching the bikes for good. We'll probably always have some on hand in the office for anyone to use. We will be using them again in the spring when the good weather returns and people are actually outside to see them. We'll be smarter and more respectful of bike rack space.

crandell said:
John -- I'd personally love to see domu keep a few of these bikes at your office and encourage your employees to take advantage of them to get around the neighborhood or get to meetings. We have that at my office, and it's a great perk. It would earn you some "green" cred, and then your ads would be seen while the bikes are actually being utilized. Extra credit if your office can win the Bike to Work Week competition.
As long as people are actually riding the bikes that are locked to racks, I don't think anyone has a problem. It had looked like the bikes were being dropped off by truck and moved once in a while in the same fashion. If the employees are using the bikes to get around, great.

John said:
To crandell and James, for sure. I didn't mean to imply that we're ditching the bikes for good. We'll probably always have some on hand in the office for anyone to use. We will be using them again in the spring when the good weather returns and people are actually outside to see them. We'll be smarter and more respectful of bike rack space.

crandell said:
John -- I'd personally love to see domu keep a few of these bikes at your office and encourage your employees to take advantage of them to get around the neighborhood or get to meetings. We have that at my office, and it's a great perk. It would earn you some "green" cred, and then your ads would be seen while the bikes are actually being utilized. Extra credit if your office can win the Bike to Work Week competition.
My sister could use one of these bikes. Her current one is dangerous, heh.

Let her ride it as a main bike and the ads would be seen every day in three different neighborhoods.
I vote for Steven's sister. Steve, it reminds me a bit of the cool dutch bike set up CDOT had at the parade last year with all the groceries, etc.

Steven Vance said:
My sister could use one of these bikes. Her current one is dangerous, heh.

Let her ride it as a main bike and the ads would be seen every day in three different neighborhoods.
We now use a sign bike at Bobby's, for various reasons. It gets locked to a traffic light post, about 50 feet from extensive bike rackage. In my 7+ years there i have never seen anyone lock to the light post. As long as you are not taking up normally used bike parking, I think it is a legitimate form of advertising.
Their reply post is rather false. Several of those bikes have NEVER moved. No one is riding those bikes, I suspect.
I actually saw one being riden around River North last week. I was tempted to take a picture...but well, I was with co-workers and didn't want to seem creepy.

I still don't underrtsand how some of the more poorly locked specimens haven't been stolen.

Carl said:
Their reply post is rather false. Several of those bikes have NEVER moved. No one is riding those bikes, I suspect.


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