Kona Prototype Band Wagon stolen from Rapid Transit Cycleshop

Be on the lookout in Humboldt Park for "Roberto" who never returned from a test ride with this bike:

2011 53cm Kona Band Wagon back:

serial # F1105C0310.

The bike is Chrome Silver with white accents - it says KONA on the down tube

I confronted him riding it in Humboldt Park this evening at about 9:15PM just south of the Tennis Courts by California Street.

I asked him to give it back or otherwise we would get him charged with a
felony. I tried to grab the bike, but wasn't going to fight him.

He took off north on Munoz Drive. He was wearing a black ball cap and a black shirt and had a small beard on the chin and a mustache.
Dark hair and eyes.

Nick - Rapid Transit Cycleshop Chicago

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Glad that you got that. I've definitely been on the lookout for this bike. I saw a chrome bike locked up and checked it out, but it was a Novarra.

Really hope that you get it back and this guy goes to jail!
I wish the picture was better, but here is the perp:

spacemodular said:
Update: The thief's name is Roberto Barrientos and he has a long list of prior's. He now has a felony warrant for his arrest. If you see him, do not approach him directly. Call the police and give his name and your location- the police really want to take him off the streets. Working on getting his mugshot listed here - stay tuned...
Holy CRAP!

My wife and I were shopping for a cheap set of silver wedding bands to take on a vacation to S. America rather than bringing her vintage heirloom ring from her grandmother.

We went to one of those jewelry stores on Milwaukee street near The Logan Theater. You know, the ones where you have to ring a doorbell before they even let you in? And I think it was this same guy walked in right behind us off the street when they buzzed us in. I was SURE he was up to no good. The jeweler was hesitant to let him touch anything. He wanted to look at gold chains and kept asking if she had anything LONGER. I guess he wanted to get the biggest one he could get his hands on before he made a break for it. I was just waiting for him to do something dangerous and stupid. We were in that shop trying to AVOID getting knifed/clubbed/whatever over some jewelry and here we were..

This kid and others like him will keep doing this, and preying on local business owners, until he is either put away or put out.

spacemodular said:
I wish the picture was better, but here is the perp:

spacemodular said:
Update: The thief's name is Roberto Barrientos and he has a long list of prior's. He now has a felony warrant for his arrest. If you see him, do not approach him directly. Call the police and give his name and your location- the police really want to take him off the streets. Working on getting his mugshot listed here - stay tuned...
I'm keeping my eye out too. This guy looks familiar. How tall and ~what weight?
looks like it's time for a chainlink "most wanted poster"?

Ryan Lakes said:
I'm keeping my eye out too. This guy looks familiar. How tall and ~what weight?
Not too tall - maybe 5'5" and 200 lbs? I think he lost a little weight since the mugshot. He is very dapper for a thug. The 3 times I saw him, he had button down shirts and was always wearing a non-team baseball style hat.

Ryan Lakes said:
I'm keeping my eye out too. This guy looks familiar. How tall and ~what weight?
Nick, any new news on this?


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