The Chainlink

The Sad Science of Hipsterism

The Psychology of Indie Bands, PBR and Weird Facial Hair

Behold the hipster, the stylishly disaffected breed of twentysomethings whose fog of twee whimsy envelopes Williamsburg and the East Village. Most who encounter the hipster in its natural habitat respond in one of two ways: derision or ridicule.

But science does not cast judgment. Its goal is to explore and explain dispassionately, whether the object of study be the noble eagle or the lowly nematode. So what does science have to tell us about this fascinatingly misunderstood breed, the indigenous North American hipster?

Surprisingly much.

In a paper in an upcoming issue of the Journal of Consumer Research entitled "Demythologizing Consumption Practices: How Consumers Protect Their Field-Dependent Identity Investments from Devaluing Marketplace Myths," [LINK] authors Zeynep Arsel and Craig J. Thompson delve deep into the phenomenon of hipsterism, and in particular its most abiding mystery: if everyone hates hipsters, why would anyone want to be one?

The long and short of it is that they don't.

In general, psychologists who study consumers understand that people are largely motivated to spend money not just on things that they materially need, but that bolster their sense of identity. They purchase not just goods and services, but mythologies. Imagining themselves as rugged, rebellious patriots, they buy a Harley-Davidson. Imagining themselves as respected and well-heeled, they buy a Lexus.

Hipsters, though, follow a different paradigm. Their problem is that their purchases tend to place them within a category whose mythology they despise. That's right: Nobody likes hipsters, not even hipsters.

As Arsel and Thompson put it, the beats of the '50s and hippies of the '60s and '70s, both of which had an admirable authenticity about them even if you didn't care for the particulars, eventually gave rise to "the millennial hipster," which "came to be represented as an uberconsumer of trends and as a new, and rather gullible, target market that consumes cool rather than creating it." As examples of the dorkification they cite online parodies of the iconic Mac v. PC ads and this viral YouTube video.

The upshot being that any people who legitimately enjoy all the trappings on hipsterhood -- the authors mention Pabst Blue Ribbon, Puma, and the trucker hat -- must psychologically distance themselves from the demographic group of which they are so clearly a part. And so their subconscious brains have to work double time so that they can convince themselves that the things they buy do not reflect on their true character.

Arsel and Thompson interviewed hipsters and asked them how they dealt with the problem of being identified as such. The answer, they found, was to "demythologize" the hipster experience, that is, to psychologically reclassify their own behavior as being separate from the aggregate activity that the rest of the world lumps together as "hipster." They interviewed one consumer, identified as Scarlet, who told them:

I'm not gonna lie, I shop at Urban [Outfitters] sometimes, only when it's on sale of course... I like doing a lot of the things that are the hipster thing to do, but I do them because I like to do them, not because they're the cool thing to do. And because I am immersed in the social scene where there are a lot of hipsters, people mistake me for being one of them."

The deeper irony is that those who try to assert their independence from the commodification of identity wind up tapping into another marketplace myth, what the authors call "the myth of consumer sovereignty." This is the idea that by assiduously selecting from all the identity markers available for purchase, a person can assemble one that authentically reflects their true self independent of the marketplace. Some of the hipsters that Arsel and Thompson talked to are well aware of the futility of this project. Said one, identified as "Tom":

I don't necessarily know every single weird obscure band. I don't necessarily want to. But I mean, yeah, who do I hang out with? I hang out with like a bunch of tattooed indie dorks. So, yeah, I guess I am but I wouldn't self-identify, I think. I'd listen to stuff that's outside the mainstream or it's like I dress weird compared to the majority of the population. I just try not to think about it too much. The minute you start identifying with a subculture... you kind of lose individuality, surrender part of your identity, and we don't wanna do that.

This, then, is the essence of being a hipster. Pretending you aren't one.

UPDATE: For more PT-inflected insight into hipsterology, check out news editor Andrea Bartz's side project, Stuff Hipsters Hate, a blog that is now also out in book form.

UPDATE 2: Some commenters have complained that the demographic group in question has not been defined with sufficient rigor. The following video should help.

UPDATE 3: Some readers felt that the above update was disrespectful. My apologies. Those seeking a more serious exposition of the hipster culture-space might wish to examine Hipster Runoff, an examination of alt-dom by a thoughtful and perspicacious insider.


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Can anyone get a copy of "Demythologizing Consumption Practices How Consumers Protect Their Field Dependent Identity Investments from Devaluing Marketplace Myths?"
If you want to pay $10 for a 24-hour look at it you can do so here

I'd love to see it too if you can get a free copy.

Basically, in order to be a TRUE indie hipster one has to do all the things that a sterotypical hipster does, and look like a stereotypical hipster. But all the while one has to not actually BE a stereotypical hipster because that wouldn't be hip.

Wow, that is deep! All this time I thought MY SPOON WAS TOO BIG -and unbeknownst to me there is no spoon...

Spencer "Thunderball" Thayer! said:
Can anyone get a copy of "Demythologizing Consumption Practices How Consumers Protect Their Field Dependent Identity Investments from Devaluing Marketplace Myths?"
Totes! "Pot calling the kettle black".

Spencer "Thunderball" Thayer! said:
I think this is really all that is interesting, "All participants but one wanted to talk about how they were mistaken for, or accused of being a hipster just because they were consuming indie products."

Essentially to be a hipster means to not be one while consuming products that would qualify one as a hipster. Very postmodern right?

Michael Perz said:
I refuse to read the article unless someone can offer a compelling argument that it offers something truly illuminating to be taken away from.
I just found this topical picture in the Gizmodo article about the chainless stringbike

I'd like to see a study on the rise of PBR prices in bars in relation to the number of "hipster" that frequent that bar.
I got a copy of the study, Demythologizing Consumption Practices: How Consumers Protect Their Field Dependent Identity Investments from Devaluing Marketplace Myths.
Awesome! Thanks Spencer.

I did a quick skim, but I'll be sure to read it deeper when I've got some time.
I might be the only hipster in the world who will actually admit to being one, simply because I don’t understand what all the fuss is about. Sure, I prefer the term keebler, but I don’t cry big salty tears into my PBR every time people pile on in a big slippery hipster hate fest.

I generally categorize hipster hate in two categories:

GET OFF MY LAWN: My rent used to be cheaper/this bar used to be less crowded/fixed gear bikes used to be unstylish urban workhorses, and then these darn dirty kids came in and ruined everything!

Buck up, gramps. Using a huge amorphous unorganized youth “subculture” as a straw man to blame for the degradation of society has always happened, and will always happen, but man it sure makes you seem like a total crank.

THE SELF LOATHING HIPSTER: Self explanatory. Most of the people who’ve ever become really invested in making fun of me for being a keebler or who venomously deny being one are total undeniable keebs.

I’m going to be honest, my whole KEEBLER PRIDE stance started a joke; if all hipsters deny being hipsters and I totally cop to being one, then I’m not really one, right? The Hipster Paradox!

But, for real though, my oglefakes take up half my face, I spend way too many nights in Cole’s, half my friends live in Logan Square, I shop at the farmer’s market, I ride bikes and shoot pool and play darts, I have tattoos, I get way too excited when a bar has dollar PBR, I own Apple products, I spend a lot of time in the crotch, I date baristas and art school kids and video store clerks and dudes who work in bars or have ill-advised neck tattoos or ride fixed gear bikes or some combination of those traits. I’m a total keebler, and I don’t care who knows it.

But it’s not the defining characteristic about me, just a footnote. If you rail against hipsters, you’re hating on a stereotype, a caricature, a paper doll in APC jeans and an American Apparel v-neck. But when you throw shade on real people, well, take them as individuals. People are people, and if someone’s a d-bag it’s because they have a lame personality, not because they happen to fit a few signifying markers for hipsterdom.
I love that people are using the word Keebler these days. In the 70's the Black Panther Party for Self Defense used the term to refer to fat rich white kids who would come into the ghetto to buy drugs. It's amusing.
I thought it was an interesting article. Ill be sure to pass it on to people I know who might fit the label of hipster and see what they say. Thanks for the post :D
This somehow reminds me a little of the "pirate bashing" anti-harley jokes on the motorcycle boards. That SouthPark Episode really brought that up to a low boil last year or whenever it came out. Lots of butthurt ;)

As always, there are those that 'walk the walk' and those who try and grab onto the coat-tails to enjoy the ride. It's the same story everywhere it seems. Not everyone can be 'Rufus' (obscure "Never Been Kissed" reference) but it seems many will feel the need to try.

Also, I have to agree with Spencer on the Keebler reference -that's the same thing that came to my mind when I first heard the word used lately in the new Hipster reference. Isn't it Ironic? -yeah I really DO think...
I downloaded the article, but I haven't had a chance to read it yet (13,000 words is more than I can justify as a short break). Maybe I'll have a chance tonight.

As for "keebler". Hipsters didn't like the fact that they were called hipsters, so they chose a different word. It still means exactly the same thing, even if you they don't want to admit it.


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