Thanks everyone for making my FIRST century a great one and thanks John for the super ride!

I was about 75% sure that I was going to be able to make it, and 100% sure it wouldn't be due to overall physical exhaustion... I was thinking, if anything, it would be something mechanical or it would be a cramp in my thumb or a cramp in my shoulder, or something like that. Luckily, no such thing happened and we were able to enjoy pretty much the whole thing.

Maybe it's just me having never ridden such a distance before, but I just can't believe that within one ride, I was all the eff down by the Skyway, and then later at the Leaning Tower YMCA. 

Everyone was so friendly and chatty and wanting to share their nourishment, encouragement and beer. I met so many lovely folks and hope to bump into them again. Friend me here on this thang!

David and I bailed at about North Ave Beach partly because the ride had become something like a mad dash to the Handlebar (which was going to close shortly), and partly because we figured that, according to Marion's odometer, if we stopped and turned around for home at that point, we'd make the 100miles we wanted. We did make approximately 103. 

The ride was a super experience for this largely inexperienced rider, and I WILL be doing it again. 

Next year for the 10 year anniversary, I want teeshirts! Remember John: David and I offered to throw those together for ya, if you don't have a better idea. 

Shared some super tasty cookies with the crew (well, EYE thought so :)), and here's the blog they're at:

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Thanks, John! Best day of riding ever! ok, ok, ok--the roller coaster bits were tops! Especially the after dark bit down that woodsy trail. So glad to have met everyone there and hope to see you all again soon!
Here are a few photos from my album.

Little things, like riding through that fire hydrant made it a great day.

Ruben Dario said:
Here are a few photos from my album.

Hmmm, Well either my garmin messed up after being on for almost 20 hours straight, or it was operator error when I uploaded the data at 4am.. That morning I did a 94 mile ride from wells park out to round lake and back. I came home, downloaded that data refilled my water bottles and grabbed some more energy bars. I then headed south into the headwind to meet up with the group who were waiting for me at Papaculios (thanks for waiting) At that point my mileage was very similar to the group's. I completed the perimeter ride,including the mad dash to handlebar and then to flat iron. When I arrived home my mileage was just over 95 according to the garmin. So my total for the day was right around 190 miles. It was a great time thanks to all who were involved in the planning and to all who participated.

Eric Vann said:
Connie and I were doing a ride along the Lakefront Trail and saw you folks heading south. Sounds as if you had a great time.

As for your Garmin data you either have them swapped or something because the one for the ride itself is merely a straight line and does not come anywhere near the lakefront itself.

Michael A said:
here is the garmin for the perimeter ride, nice job all

This is my garmin for my ride before the perimeter

For some reason this is the only pic I took, I saw some shutterbugs on the ride, please post your pics here too
D'oh! I'll be running backup next year.

Michael A said:
Hmmm, Well either my garmin messed up after being on for almost 20 hours straight, or it was operator error when I uploaded the data at 4am..

Eric Vann said:
Connie and I were doing a ride along the Lakefront Trail and saw you folks heading south. Sounds as if you had a great time.

As for your Garmin data you either have them swapped or something because the one for the ride itself is merely a straight line and does not come anywhere near the lakefront itself.

Michael A said:
here is the garmin for the perimeter ride, nice job all

This is my garmin for my ride before the perimeter

For some reason this is the only pic I took, I saw some shutterbugs on the ride, please post your pics here too
Amazing ride and huge thanks to John for putting it all together.

I peeled off early because I'm kind of a sissy but it was a blast.
Had a great ride for the 3rd year in a row.

Left the house late, so I met up with the ride at 39th Street. We got split up after the 95th Street bridge and the fishery, but reunited at lunch. Missed Pullman and the Florence Hotel to get over to the Major Taylor Trail to meet up with everyone since lunch took so long (Do you think we kind of overwhelmed our lunch stop's staff?). Up the trail (glass!) and northbound on streets to Superdawg.

After dinner, it was one of my favorite parts of the ride - the blinking taillight train on the North Branch up to Touhy en route to the Lean Tower of Niles.

Took Howard St all the way east to the lake where everyone hung out for a while before we turned south on to Sheridan for the LFP. Tore down the LFP in hopes of getting to the H-bar before closing, and the staff greeted us with a round of Jameson shots as they were cleaning up for the night.

Over to The Flatiron after for more drinks and relaxing after a looong day.

Thanks to John for putting this together again! And congrats to Ryan L for not getting any flats on his 23mm tires on his fixie.
So when is there going to be a John Greenfield appreciation dinner?
Agreed (from last year's experience)....

Tank-Ridin' Ryan said:
Had a great ride for the 3rd year in a row. After dinner, it was one of my favorite parts of the ride - the blinking taillight train on the North Branch up to Touhy en route to the Lean Tower of Niles.
Jera Sue, I'm so proud of you.
So I made a quick video of everyone going through the fire hydrant waterfall but when I uploaded to Youtube it pulled my soundtrack claiming I infringed upon Built To Spill's legal BS and what not. It even pulled the real time audio from the track which confuses the hell out of me. So I'm gonna have to either change the background song and reload it or figure out a way around it. Should be up sometime today.
I want to say that if you rip a song from your library on to a cd, then use that as your source for the music for your film, you can get around that legal bs. Something about doing that leaves out the track info and youtube won't recognize the copyright stuff. Not 100% sure though...

Ryan L said:
So I made a quick video of everyone going through the fire hydrant waterfall but when I uploaded to Youtube it pulled my soundtrack claiming I infringed upon Built To Spill's legal BS and what not. It even pulled the real time audio from the track which confuses the hell out of me. So I'm gonna have to either change the background song and reload it or figure out a way around it. Should be up sometime today.


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