These are pretty cool jerseys.  Definitely an interesting way to get your point across. 



Anyone see any other interesting jerseys?

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love it!
"Share the Road"

I like the "I'm a taxpayer" one.

I'm not sure why people think cyclists don't pay taxes.
I like them...but I often wonder if stuff like this would make me more of a target.
Its not that bikers don't pay taxes, its that some anti-bike tards think that gas taxes pay for 100% of all road costs and therefore bikers are "freeloaders" and shouldn't be on them. Its a stupid argument even if it were true, but the facts are:

A 2003 Federation Highway Administration study found that 94% of federal roadway funding came from fuel taxes, 86.3% of state roadway funding came from fuel taxes, and 11.1% of local roadway funding came from fuel taxes. The study also found that altogether in the U.S., 69.6% of roadway funding ($79.6 billion) came from fuel taxes and 30.1% ($33.4 billion) from other funding sources. The other funding sources are most typically general tax revenue.

The roads bikes are most likely to be on are least likely to have been funded by gas taxes.
thats so cool


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