It is time this Saturday for the Midnight Marauders 4th annual Subterranean Ride. This has been the most popular ride we have put on since its inception. Basically it is a tour of the underground, and sub street level roads, oddities, attractions, and distractions in the down town area. For first timers, it will be a chance to see places that you probably never would, and for veterans, yet another chance to figure out “Where the hell did we go?” There will be some exciting new twists this year if we can pull them off, so even veterans will experience some new things.

For those unaware, there is a labyrinth of streets, tunnels and service roads under the city that only people that work there normally see, but this month Marauders get too as well.

We will meet at the traditional location, the Billy Goat Tavern, 430 N. Michigan Av(lowerlevel), at 11pm, August the 21st. It is located at the intersection of Hubbard, and Lower Michigan Av., if you cant find it go downstairs. There will be a couple rougher sections on the ride, but any serviceable bike should work.

This is not a trailer friendly ride, unless it is a single wheel jobbie.


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Penny farthings would be a bad idea. We will have a couple brief off-raod sections, and some jacked up pavement. Its best in general to ride your most agile bike on any Marauders ride. This is an urban adventure, not a parade. Plus it is suposed to rain, and all the grease, oil, urine, and other shit gets washed down there, it gets treacherous on a normal bike.
He thinks he was ;-)

Lee S said:
So Howard got to be the first to try you? Bummer

Gabe said:
Steve, don't do it. We usually have some amount of off roading. Stopping, starting, and times when we seek to be less visible. Tough to do if you are 4 feet above the rest of us. Standard issue bike better plan.

Lee, I never said it wasn't the best money i ever spent. I'm just sayin don't pretend like i'm your first. Howard already tried that. ;-)
I'm sorry guys. I don't think I'll be able to come unless someone can tow me. I hurt my ankle pretty bad at the going away party last night. Swollen, discoloration, the whole nine yards. Sorry guys.
Adam "Cezar" Jenkins said:
I'm sorry guys. I don't think I'll be able to come unless someone can tow me. I hurt my ankle pretty bad at the going away party last night. Swollen, discoloration, the whole nine yards. Sorry guys.

I should surely be there tonight. It has been a while since I have joined the crew. Awesome!
Oh the suspense of my first Marauders ride is killing me! All the buzz is making this ride sound better and better by the minute. Can't wait! See you all tonight!
Yikes, maybe my bike can't handle it then. Perhaps I'll see how far I last before peeling off. Sounds like a good time in any event. Hope it doesn't rain.

Martin Hazard said:
Penny farthings would be a bad idea. We will have a couple brief off-raod sections, and some jacked up pavement. Its best in general to ride your most agile bike on any Marauders ride. This is an urban adventure, not a parade. Plus it is suposed to rain, and all the grease, oil, urine, and other shit gets washed down there, it gets treacherous on a normal bike.
A couple of late breaking updates. There will be no liquor stop. Due to projected attendance, we cannot bring 200+ people out on State street. People need to stock up before the ride. Also we will have ongoing PSAs (public safety anouncements) along the ride. I need to reinforce the fact that, while there is swimming at the finnish YOU CANNOT JUMP IN!!! There are very scarry rocks down there and it is very shallow. There will be ladders to climb down. You will F-your shit up even going in feet first. Lastly this ride will be almost entirely lights out.
Martin "Safety" Hazard
No liquor stop, check, no lights, check, f your shit up jumpin in, check. Should we put money on the first idiot to jump in drunk with a light on? ;-)
Martin safety hazard has a very true ring to it...

my theme song tonight - tourettes aaron is checking in
Mad Dog 20-20's king, I drink that stuff and start getting obscene...


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