We have a few threads here and there with introductions, but nothing organized. For this thread, post your picture, pics of your bikes, and a small blurb about yourself (favorite foods, commuting routes, etc).

yes, this was ripped off from chifg...

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Did you change your name or did i get special and not say Conley? I'm sorry and HI! ;-)

Come on peeps - Get your pics up so we know who ya are! ;-)
Hi Gabe! and everyone else!
Nah I just realized that this system takes your "Full Name" and makes it your username. You can call me Rich or Richard if you like :)

Gabe said:
Did you change your name or did i get special and not say Conley? I'm sorry and HI! ;-)

Come on peeps - Get your pics up so we know who ya are! ;-)
Seems as though we are surrounded by creepers ;-)

This is really a great site -- I'm new to Chicago -- so thank you! :-)



Welcome Michael! Sorry that our present to you was your bike getting swiped. Have you replaced her?
My name is Ariel and my friend Scott introduced me to The Chainlink and got me back into biking after a 18 year hiatus.

This is me:

Back in the early 90's when there were no bike lanes, I saw a biker get hit by a bus on Diversey at Clark & Broadway. I promptly returned home and put the bike in the basement for the next many, many years.

With bike lanes abound, I decided to get a bike and start biking again.

I heart my pink cruiser. It is NOT made for long distances. My bootay often hurts after a ride, but it's worth it.
Hi Ariel! ;-) I <3 Scott! ;-) glad he got ya on the site, and glad you got back on the saddle regardless of soreness ;-)
Really cool fenders!!!!!!

on2wheels said:
Hello, my name is Levi, here I am at the BLT two years ago

Here is my ride

Job: Graphic Designer - http://borreson.com/levi

Hobbys: Bikes (duh), fixing up old bikes, and more recently frame building, I also started building wooden fenders if anyone is interested in being a Guinea pig, let me know.

Here is one of my re-builds and fender sets

I own a theatrical production company, Kit & Kaboodle Theatricals. We provide everything but the cast or just one designer... it's up to the client.

Personally, I'm a stage manager and props desiger/builder.

I've just started biking and I'm loving it. Except the seat... ouch. I've learned alot about minor repairs as my bike was put together by someone else and then sat for years.

I ride a NEXT Breakpoint 21 speed, dual suspension is nice on all of the ultrasmooth Chicago streets! I didn't decide to buy this ... it was given to me years ago.

I need to add some major cargo capacity. A front and rear basket and panniers... I'd love a trailer!

I live in Andersonville/Edgewater.... right where the lakefront trail ends.

Stop by here or on the trail to say hi sometime.
Welcome to the Shadowy Oraneg and to the less hidden Lee! ;-)
Hello all,
My name is Jonathan. I am trying to get back to biking after years away from it. I am using my bike to try and quit smoking after 25 years. I was a messenger long ago but now my lungs are so shot I struggle to ride more than a mile or two. I am getting there and cant wait to be an active person again.
My bike is named Mr. Bean.


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