Hello Bicyclists out there!

I wann take this workshop at West Town Bikes and was wondering if anyone wants to come with or if anyone has any input on it! Let me know!

Mo mo

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It's just open shop. You take your bike in and work on it. If you need help with anything, there will be someone there who can help. Don't forget to drop a donation in the can on the way out.
It's an AWESOME place to learn about bike stuff, I highly recommend it. Great people there!
I've done it a few times and it really is great. In the past it's been less crowded, there are often snacks are there isn't a ton of competition for stands and workspace.

I'll have guests in town, but I might try to go to the next workshop.
I went once on my own and it was a lot of fun! Everyone is friendly. Don't be shy! But know that if it is crowded, you may have to wait to work on your bike. But it's likely you'll learn something you didn't know before, even from just observing the other people there. And you'll meet some cool bike people. They suggest a $10 donation for basically every hour you spend working on your bike in the workshop. I think that's really reasonable, as they have every tool you could need and you'll learn a lot.

Oh, before I went, I had emailed whomever the contact was on the site. They were helpful with any question that I had before going.
Heya biking Women (and those who identify as),

starting in September Women and Trans' night will happen every Wednesday 7-10pm! No more wondering which Weds night of the month anymore. And for you newbies who would like to learn a thing or two before you start wrenching look out for Basic Bikes on Saturday mornings before Open Shop. Updates on the WTB calendar soon...
That's super news!!! Do you know if WTB plans to do more Build Your Own Bike classes in fall or winter?

Bikefreeek said:
Heya biking Women (and those who identify as),

starting in September Women and Trans' night will happen every Wednesday 7-10pm! No more wondering which Weds night of the month anymore. And for you newbies who would like to learn a thing or two before you start wrenching look out for Basic Bikes on Saturday mornings before Open Shop. Updates on the WTB calendar soon...

I'm Liz.
I help out at Women's/Trans Night at West Town Bikes. I'll be there to introduce ya!
See you tonight!



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