Whenever I drive into the city on 90, I am always awestruck at the beautiful skyline.    I was driving home late last night. The expressway was clear, my windows were rolled down, and I had good music playing.  I love driving around the curves of 90, with the skyline coming into view, until finally it is right before you.  This is always one of my "I love this city" moments.

This got me thinking. What are some places where you have an "I love this city" moment while biking? 

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There's too much city to narrow it down. Particularly in the summer where you're apt to stumble across any number of things going on from huge neighborhood festivals to side-streets blocked with a stage featuring some Cubano Jazz band or similar. Plus pretty much any route is going to have its share of great neighborhood dives, and just people being around, doing their thing.

I cannot express how dramatically I fell in love with the city after I stopped driving in it. Not being sealed off from everything, not having to wait for traffic, not having to find parking, just giving yourself a chance to take it in and if you feel like it, participate.

I did recently discover that Wilson is a gorgeous street to take from Pulaski to the Lakefront, though. So that's a notable.
Whew. I have a lot.

Glimpsing the skyline along the Damen Avenue bridge in Heart of Chicago

Or coming across one of the most impressive examples of Prairie architecture in the world with Dwight Perkin's Carl Schurz High School as you bike north on Milwaukee at Addison.

The first glimpse of the Statue of the Republic after you exit the lakefront and are biking west on East Hayes Drive:

and on and on and on....
See, it's things like this.

I second this. The Pointe offers up one of the most beautiful views of the city.

Anne said:
looking twards the city from the Point in Hyde Park....always inspiring. Or from the front entrace of the Shedd Aquarium.
Word Up.

notoriousDUG said:
You ride errily close to my place. Been to the Japanese Garden over there? Now thats beautiful.

Lee Diamond said:
Whew. I have a lot.

Glimpsing the skyline along the Damen Avenue bridge in Heart of Chicago

Or coming across one of the most impressive examples of Prairie architecture in the world with Dwight Perkin's Carl Schurz High School as you bike north on Milwaukee at Addison.

The first glimpse of the Statue of the Republic after you exit the lakefront and are biking west on East Hayes Drive:

and on and on and on....
I do indeed. Another city gem:

conleyri said:
You ride errily close to my place. Been to the Japanese Garden over there? Now thats beautiful.
Ping Tom park off of 18th and Wentworth. It's one of those spots that you will almost surely miss unless you're on a bike. Or on the orange line...
I seem to prefer a different style of city then the rest of you.

Personally I love to stop and watch them pour at Finkle.

Oh so it's like that huh Doug? Fine. I'll see your molten medal and raise you three you might dig from the lower west side.

Michigan and Illinois Canal Origins

Pilsen Drawbridge and Docks

Exiting Canal Park heading towards Damen Avenue Bridge - abandoned industrial facilities festooned in graffiti.

notoriousDUG said:
I seem to prefer a different style of city then the rest of you.

Personally I love to stop and watch them pour at Finkle.


You're good but I once dated an employee of the Chicago Department of Environment so I am all about the area down by Hegewish; Who knew there was a saw mill in the city limits...

I did...


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