OK - maybe not the whole universe, but at least Rogers Park and whichever other neighborhoods were blessed with the sweet sounds of Critical Karaoke.

Bob (who Loves the Rainy Night)

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Yes, for all the hardship Todd has experienced recently the guy can certainly pull anything off. WAY TO GO!
I think we should create a Can't Get Enough Of Todd Alan group. Whose going to start it?
cult followers are we ? (Yoda)
Yeah ! !! Totally way to go Todd. Here's a Whoot! !! Whoot! !! to you. We talked about since it rained on us ,That we will do this ride again. So that's right Karaoke either next month or the following. Please keep your eyes ears peeled for N.S.C.M. / Karaoke the final cut 2010'.
I've said for some time (borrowing from Todd Rundgren fans) that "Todd is God"


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