a pritzker allegedly getting away with hitting a bicyclist?

an interesting article about a person of a very wealthy family allegedly hitting a bicyclist:



i hope greenfield keeps us up-to-date on this story.

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man I can't stand that counting crows guy.
I am trembling in anger after reading that article. kudos to john g.

this is the kind of crap that makes me incredibly ashamed to say I am from chicago.
I know it goes on everywhere....blah blah blah,
but dam# CPD should be ashamed of themselves :
lyers / cheats / thugs and murderers.
If I could have the ear of jodi weiss and/or richie daley for 5 minutes I would get them each an earful
to lay awake all night in guilt. frankly - I have heard worse stories than this one - but this one is so
painfully close to home since we deal with these idiots (cops and SUV drivin' "billionaires") daily.

what a sick world we live in.

Yes, lets hurry up and judge the entire police force and every officer based on the actions of a few; great logic.

dan brown said:
I am trembling in anger after reading that article. kudos to john g.

this is the kind of crap that makes me incredibly ashamed to say I am from chicago.
I know it goes on everywhere....blah blah blah,
but dam# CPD should be ashamed of themselves :
lyers / cheats / thugs and murderers.
If I could have the ear of jodi weiss and/or richie daley for 5 minutes I would get them each an earful
to lay awake all night in guilt. frankly - I have heard worse stories than this one - but this one is so
painfully close to home since we deal with these idiots (cops and SUV drivin' "billionaires") daily.

what a sick world we live in.

I read it and it pisses me off but, to me, branding the police force liars, cheats and thugs and so on is not only an overreaction but also counter productive.

Does it anger me that wealth and privilege get you a pass in the eyes of the law? Yes, very much.
Do I think it is any different in other cities? No, stuff like this is SOP all over the country and name calling the local police force is not going to do shit to fix that.

Do I think something needs to be done? Yes, very much.
Is something being done about it? Yes, and it is being reported and spread around.

Do I think that this, or any other, action is going to change anything? Nope, not even a little; wealth and privilege will always buy connections and connections will always provide a way around the law for the wealthy. It has been this way from the dawn of time and it will be this way until the end of time and the only thing we can hope to do to improve our situation is to acquire enough personal wealth to be the bastard who gets a pass.

H3N3 said:
You read the article, right?
I think Dan's entitled to a little venting-- I think you'd have to be pretty numbed not to feel the same way.
Or have to have not read the article . . .

notoriousDUG said:
Yes, lets hurry up and judge the entire police force and every officer based on the actions of a few; great logic.

dan brown said:
I am trembling in anger after reading that article. kudos to john g.

this is the kind of crap that makes me incredibly ashamed to say I am from chicago.
I know it goes on everywhere....blah blah blah,
but dam# CPD should be ashamed of themselves :
lyers / cheats / thugs and murderers.
If I could have the ear of jodi weiss and/or richie daley for 5 minutes I would get them each an earful
to lay awake all night in guilt. frankly - I have heard worse stories than this one - but this one is so
painfully close to home since we deal with these idiots (cops and SUV drivin' "billionaires") daily.

what a sick world we live in.

its a major metro area... i expect nothing less at this point
dug - I am not judging all. I do; however; have a sneaking suspicion (backed up by 30 years worth
of and tons of second hand information (including a good friend who works for Bureau of Internal Affairs and whose son is a 30 year CPD veteran) that corruption and this stuff is so widespread. If it wasn't -
this thread would never exist. sure - there are some good, decent, honest cops out there.
probably a lot. same with politicians. problem is - the "system" can corrupt even the best of them.


notoriousDUG said:
Yes, lets hurry up and judge the entire police force and every officer based on the actions of a few; great logic.

dan brown said:
I am trembling in anger after reading that article. kudos to john g.

this is the kind of crap that makes me incredibly ashamed to say I am from chicago.
I know it goes on everywhere....blah blah blah,
but dam# CPD should be ashamed of themselves :
lyers / cheats / thugs and murderers.
If I could have the ear of jodi weiss and/or richie daley for 5 minutes I would get them each an earful
to lay awake all night in guilt. frankly - I have heard worse stories than this one - but this one is so
painfully close to home since we deal with these idiots (cops and SUV drivin' "billionaires") daily.

what a sick world we live in.

are we riding by, and circling someone's house?

H3N3 said:
Sounds like the August Critical Mass ride is going to be a short one.
the greenfield article reminds me of the incident where the judge gave probation to a couple of guys who were attempting to run over cyclists.

will the tipping point occur when a famous person is killed or injured while riding a bicycle?
(did maine change any shoulder-riding policies after stephen king was hit?)

also, i'm angry as hell at the cop(s) in the pritzker incident, too. but it's not just cops who are influenced by powerful people. i'd like to find a study on why people feel the need to kiss up to rich people.
Money, and the possibility of being given money/expensive things.

Mark Kenseth said:
the greenfield article reminds me of the incident where the judge gave probation to a couple of guys who were attempting to run over cyclists.

will the tipping point occur when a famous person is killed or injured while riding a bicycle?
(did maine change any shoulder-riding policies after stephen king was hit?)

also, i'm angry as hell at the cop(s) in the pritzker incident, too. but it's not just cops who are influenced by powerful people. i'd like to find a study on why people feel the need to kiss up to rich people.
it's quite simple : with money comes power; with power comes control (influence).
and politicians need money so they can 'influence; things. Cops have power (the
'law' on their side). judges too.


"absolute power corrupts absolutely" (Lord Acton)

Tank-Ridin' Ryan said:
Money, and the possibility of being given money/expensive things.

Mark Kenseth said:
the greenfield article reminds me of the incident where the judge gave probation to a couple of guys who were attempting to run over cyclists.

will the tipping point occur when a famous person is killed or injured while riding a bicycle?
(did maine change any shoulder-riding policies after stephen king was hit?)

also, i'm angry as hell at the cop(s) in the pritzker incident, too. but it's not just cops who are influenced by powerful people. i'd like to find a study on why people feel the need to kiss up to rich people.
Here's a copy of the complaint:

His license plate simply reads "P". Cute.
thanks for posting

Brendan Kevenides said:
Here's a copy of the complaint:

His license plate simply reads "P". Cute.


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