Here's the deal:

I'm working on a rush project for the Dept of Environment.

We need to find some artistic folks (you, friends, students) who are good
illustrators, muralists, etc, to do some hand-drawn art.

We need them to do a small amount of artwork on some large banners, and we need
these done by Mon or tues.

We can offer a cash incentive.

Please get back to me soon if you want the gig, or can think of someone.


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how big are the banners, what do you need on them?
We're in the process of acquiring them, so we don't know the sizes or # of banners yet. But probably 2' h x 12' wide, two or more of them around this size. Primarily, making stylistic borders around open space of the banners, and then making 2 smaller signs. They're vinyl, so something that won't crack or peel easily as a medium (markers, airbrush, acrylic?) it's for an eco-event, so we want to avoid spraycans.
hmm...i dont know what to do about the cracking and flaking.
Well, like I said, markers, airbrush, flexible paints should work.

So, you interested?
Did I mention the work will be displayed in Millennium Park for a captive audience of 4,000 people?
Do you still need work done? I can help out on Monday afternoon. Where does the work need to be done? That certainly is a rush job. Are you supplying the drawing materials or do we need to provide our own?
Yes, we're still looking for people. If all you need is markers or paints, we can procure some. We don't have an airbrush setup. Like I said, we'd like to avoid spraycans. It can be graffiti-type art, just G-rated =)

Please let me know if you're available and willing.

where is the work place located?
The banners just arrived In Lincoln Square. Might have to do the work in an office there today or tomorrow before the event. I'm waiting to hear back on a logistics plan. Will let you know ASAP.
Iggy, 4130, Are you still interested?

Here's the details:
2 signs that are approximately 18 feet by 3 feet. Depending on our trial run at Mill Park tonight, we might decide to cut each in half. We will be using sharpies (black and colored) to write on/decorate them.

If needing visual ideas, would be good for the signs to jibe with the aesthetic of the Climate Action Plan, which can be viewed at

Artists can report to a Ravenswood office tomorrow at 9 or 10. They will have until 4 to work on the signs. I can give you the exact address and contact info if you contact me directly at my Yahoo email: salu1999

unfortunately, i work till 430, dont get back into city till 530
Alright. Sorry you can't do it....

iggi said:
unfortunately, i work till 430, dont get back into city till 530


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