Hey Guys and Girls!
I moved to the city in January and since then I have biked every single day! Its been great, I have really seen the city and during the summer it seems the fastest way to get around. But I realize after riding my bike for months that I have little to no knowledge as to how to fix my bike in anyway. So, I am looking for information on where to take a good bike repair or maintenance class. If anyone has any info let me know!

Thanks ya'll


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check out West town bikes.

I second the suggestion of West Town Bikes. Here is the calendar listing for a Basic Bike Maintenance class that's coming up this Wednesday night 8/11 7pm-10pm(repeating on 8/25). Martin will go over everything you need to know day-to-day and probably some maintenance tasks that you'll just have to do periodically.

Or if you'd prefer, every first and third Wednesday is Women's and Trans Night at West Town, also 7-10pm.

West Town also has Tinker Town Tuesday at night(7-10) where you can drop in to fix problems with your bike as well as Open Shop on Saturdays(noon-6pm) which is essentially the same thing. Those are good to keep in mind as your maintenance knowledge grows.

Here's a link to their full August calendar: http://www.westtownbikes.org/event

A few bike shops also give classes, but I haven't seen any on the Chainlink calendar lately.


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