Need a date for the Sadie Hawkins Day race on November 8th? Post up here.... remember, guys/girls, a girl should ask you to race. If you need a date (which doesn't imply that you'll be, in any way, connected to that person except for trying to keep up with them!), post here. Remember, you can do the race FF, MF, MMF, MFF, MFFF, MFFFF, MFFFFF, etc....but boys, you need a female with you. Why?

Race is for two people teams, with at least one female per team.
$5 for women, $10 for men or $20 for unaccompanied men. That's right, guys. Bring a female race partner or pay $40!

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Rebekah said:
I'm still looking for a partner. Preferably one with an excellent sense of direction since mine is horrible. Really horrible. Kate can back me up on that one.

If you get to the lake, stop going further east. ;-)
Oooooh, I wanna do this, but I don't know if I want to team with my boy....he's slow...and not very street smart. Eek...what to do?

I'm not the fastest rider, but I know my way around Chicago pretty well and I have a pretty good sense of direction.

It definitely sounds like a fun race!

good to hear

we should all hang out at the after party for .25 beer

vxla said:
Ashley said:
I'm doing it with my that weird?

Nah, last year there was a "Team Incest" too!
So true. You're doing good at remembering places you've been a few times, but your nav skills are somewhat lacking. You are, however, an excellent dancer. Fellas, take note.

Rebekah said:
I'm still looking for a partner. Preferably one with an excellent sense of direction since mine is horrible. Really horrible. Kate can back me up on that one.
Is she good enough to dance for two people?
vxla said:
Is she good enough to dance for two people?
I don't know what that would entail, but yeah, I'm probably that good.
Dancing for two? What, like a dance-off against yourself? That's something I'd love to see and will GLADLY clear the dancefloor for such things.

Rebekah said:
vxla said:
Is she good enough to dance for two people?
I don't know what that would entail, but yeah, I'm probably that good.
Yeah, you know I don't dance. :-)
Woohoo! It's this Saturday! Who's going?
Does the race go through the city or just the park?
It goes all over the city, loop through wrigleyville area.

I'm doing it!
Let's all cross our fingers that is wrong!! It's forecasted to be 40 and raining. ick!


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