A ton of you were taking photos and video of me on Todd's sound trailer. Please share them here! I would like to use them for promotional shit and other general vanity. Also be sure to check the website, spencer4hire.info, within the next week or so, I'll have the set uploaded.

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Here is one from Facebook.

No pics. Just wanted to say you did a great job. Kudos!
i wish i had more. it was a great setup.
I just posted a low-res video at http://www.thechainlink.org/group/criticalmassdiscussion
You're briefly visible in it.
I second the oufit! It worked for you.... Thanks for the good tunes!
There wasn't anything particularly significant about the outfit. Just thought I had to step it up a notch.

Spencer, there is a photo of you in the print edition too.


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