I've composed a list of the 16 Chicago construction projects scheduled for this year, next year, or just floating around, that have nothing (or very little) to do with automobiles. Some have already started.

There are new bus lanes, bike lanes, wider sidewalks, bridge enhancements, a new harbor, a new beach, a new CTA station, a rebuilt Metra station, and the list goes on.

On my blog, Steven can plan.
rendering of CTA morgan station

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I can't believe I'm the first to comment on how awesome this post is. Thanks, Steven.
Thank you!! So important to remember the positives. (even though I am going to "unhappy hour" tomorrow night;-)

I also confess to swooning at fresh asphalt on mid-tier streets.
Mmmmm.....fresh asphalt

Gin said:
Thank you!! So important to remember the positives. (even though I am going to "unhappy hour" tomorrow night;-)

I also confess to swooning at fresh asphalt on mid-tier streets.
Thanks Steven! Please keep us posted.
Steven. Thanks for posting this. There were numerous projects on there that I wasn't aware of, most interestingly the replacement of the Halsted bridge. Here is to hoping that it becomes something like the Dame bridge.
Thanks again!


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