Planning thread for July 30th 2010 Chicago Critical Mass.

In the recent "Critical Mass Strategy" discussion, Barbra mentioned hints of her desire to do a map for July's CCM, with an underwear theme.  She's certainly capable, having participated in WNBR-C and CCM for several years, and the theme is certainly appropriate for hot weather.

So with just a few weeks to go, I'm proactively seeding this thread for discussion and planning.

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Final Turn By Turn for tonights pre-ride: !
Since this is all hypothetical and Mass has no leaders. If someone were to show up with another map and there was a vote like in the old days. I'd be truly happy to see another map, taking us back to the lake, die. I won't be doing this. I think skipping mass is the best solution but i hope someone does.

"Planning Strategy" and pre-made maps with pre-rides done way ahead of time is pretty jacked up for a group like mass.
The pre-ride was wonderful...making some changes in the route...but only slight. Spencer, we figured out the end and rode it back out....I think it will go well. Never experienced Montrose beach but so glad i did tonight. Hoping for weather like tonight... I am going to have a few printed so I can give to people I see, but Spencer I hope you are still up for helping me print some for the mass...or part of the quantity? Darn my broke printer... Spencer also I put on the flyer...'music by Spencer "Thunderball" Thayer' you have a different music/dj name or is that okay? I was meaning to show you the flyer tonight and get your input. Thanks for going on the pre-ride, Jami, Paul, Spenc, Andrew, Kevin. You guys rock. And great about to sleep like a baby...
Turn by turns will be on flyer which I will post soon...get in your last-minute 2 cents on the above map.
he he...'hater'...
There are always leaders on a mass I've's whether they care or not where and how they are leading thousands of people is what is the question. Most people (including me) don't want to do the work of thinking it through, making a map, or leading, and just want to relax and enjoy. That's what I wanted last month...but it sucked so bad I felt I had to step up. So I am comfortable taking a turn in planning, and it's fun. I think being leaderless means people take turns in planning. What do you think it means? Just willy nilly riding led by people who don't even know where they are taking them or how to mass up? Whateva. Maybe that works for the winter rides... Come to the mass then and vote for whoever, if anyone, makes a different map (just to spite us nerdy-careful-planning-types)...or skip it. But at this point you aren't offering anything better than what I am, so you're just a downer with no good answer and nothing of value to say in the matter. Too bad trying to make this a party on wheels for everyone isn't cool enough for you. And, BTW, I think a fun mass will get more people to try their hand at taking a turn in making a I feel I'm actually encouraging multi-map-making by doing the best job I can do and thinking it through and collaborating with people who have done it before.
Happy Tuesday, sillyhead! And cheer the heck up!!

Gabe said:
Since this is all hypothetical and Mass has no leaders. If someone were to show up with another map and there was a vote like in the old days. I'd be truly happy to see another map, taking us back to the lake, die. I won't be doing this. I think skipping mass is the best solution but i hope someone does.

"Planning Strategy" and pre-made maps with pre-rides done way ahead of time is pretty jacked up for a group like mass.
So in order to have fun you must go to the beach, and by extension Lake Shore Drive? An excellent leader leads her soldiers to the slaughter?

You have an underwear theme that no one is gonna know about and many of the thousands you referenced will never know. They will come on the ride and go home wondering why that idiot on LSD was drunk, in his underwear, getting the crap kicked outta him by police.

And the corkers you are planning on having at LSD to keep people from goin on is a fail. Ragbrai will have many of our experienced riders, and if the police get a wiff of the Mass goin there they will have it blocked off anyway.

As i wrote to Andrew, it appears you have us staged to fight with each other and the police. Seems like an excellent plan, Leader.

And every mass is fun so saying you are planning a fun mass is redundant.

Avoid 1 problem like Lake Shore Drive and you make yourself a better leader. Take everyone there and you are trying to get into trouble.

And whatever you wrote as a reply is some awful mix of happy, condescension, and an attempt to stay cool all at the same time. It's awful. Argue or be happy or be insulting but don't try all of it so that you are still somehow cool or neutral. Being a leader would mean sticking your neck out and possibly not making friends, or worse angering a friend.
"Planning Strategy" and pre-made maps with pre-rides done way ahead of time is pretty jacked up for a group like mass.

Gabb, why?

Throughout the history of the Mass this sort of organization has happened. One example that comes to mind is the Last Mass 10 Year ride. As I recall that was planned quite in advance by a group of people. In fact, just about any ride with a successful map has had a group of people who worked on it in advance to ensure it was a good ride. Have you had a problem with every ride ever planned out in advance? If so why? What exactly is your objection to planning?

Anarchist structures of organization are not leaderless, rather they should be transparent and open for anyone to participate in leadership. That is exactly what is happening here because this is Barbara's ride a completely new face to the map creation process. So what if she is making the plans two weeks in advance if you would have gone on the pre-ride you would have seen that she is very excited about this ride. She should be, an underwear ride is a great fucking idea and her end destination will lead to good time and good memories.

So your primary objective is the off chance that we'll take LSD again? It's seriously not a problem that far up north. There will be people leading the ride who will not be taking 7 days off to ride Ragbrai. So there will not be an issue with finding enough people to cork the drive. And who cares if not everyone gets the memo that it's an underwear ride. When did a mass with a theme ever successfully get everyone to understand? Never I tell you, never. Some people will get the picture and be in their panties and others won't. It'll be fun either way man.

I feel like your real objection is that you just don't like the proposed route itself. If that's the case make your own map and we'll see you at the Picasa.
Here is link to the route we took last night.

Spencer, this was made using that app I told you about.
Agreed. She's stepping up to help. Don't complain about her map, Gabe. Shut up and make your own.

Plus I thought you were all about how it's the people who got beat down by the cops fault for what happened last time. Now it's the map makers? But still not the police?

Spencer "Thunderball" Thayer! said:
I feel like your real objection is that you just don't like the ride itself. If that's the case make your own map and we'll see you at the Picasa.
For some reason the map in the link defaults to Hybrid view. If you click the "Map" button it's a bit easier to see the route.
Huzza to Barbra for making an interesting and thoughtful map for this ride. It's great to see someone step up after having a not so great experience on a ride. It's also awesome that she did this with such foresight that others who don't like the route have plenty of time to come up with a competing route.

I'm a little nervous about crossing Lake Shore Drive because of what happened on the last 2 rides, but ending at the lake can be so nice in the summer. I'll make sure that I'm there trying to help at making the ride a success. I also think that Montrose is a great location for crossing Lake Shore drive because it goes underneath and winds a long way towards the lake. It's not as though we'll just be sitting right next to the Drive when we end.

And if people do choose to go on the drive and get arrested, then that is their choice. There should be a clear mass to follow and an end point. In May there really wasn't a clear end point, which is why I think the ride went onto the drive, I wasn't there, we were supposed to have an end point, but the front wasn't clear on that ride on where it would be and a single person waving hundreds into Lincoln Park didn't work. I believe that something happened in June. For July we have several people who are committed to a peaceful end.

Does that make those people Leaders? I don't know, it's quite possible that no one will follow. These folks weren't elected and are taking it upon themselves to make a pleasant experience for all. Thanks again, Barbra!
That's pretty cool. I just got an iPhone and am going to sign up. Thanks!

Paul Gurns said:
Here is link to the route we took last night.

Spencer, this was made using that app I told you about.


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