I saved 2 bikes from being stolen last night. Chicago and Damen.

My post from Craigslist:


If you or anyone you know had 2 bikes locked together, and locked up, outside of CHICKPEA on Chicago, just West of Damen.... let them know. I have them safe in my garage.
Last night around 1am we witnessed a black man in a white van trying to steal them. He got the lock off that held the 2 bikes to the bike rack, but didn't get the bikes before we saw him and pulled over to stop him. We called 311, but the cop said if she took the bikes they would go straight into inventory. So...we took them and decided to be good bike owners. I would hate if we had left them and that guy had come back to take them.
So! I hope you read this. Your bikes are safe, although the seat on the black one is missing.
If they're yours, send me an email and tell me what kind of bikes they are and what brand seat is on the red one. I would love to get them back to their owners!!


Someone wanted more details and was pretty rude about it, so then I posted this:

Black man. Shaved head. About 5'10", 220lbs. Big white conversion van with tinted windows in the back, none on the side. He was using a skillsaw to cut the lock and covered it with a black tarp. I only noticed what was happening because sparks were flying out from under the tarp. I pulled over, he drove off. He cut the lock that held them to the rack, but not the one locking them to each other.
I have the license plate number, and gave it to the police officer. She believes it's a guy from Maywood who has done this before. In fact, she's sure of it.
Sorry if my first post lack all these details, dick. I'm just trying to get these people their bikes back. The cop told me that if she took them, they would end up in a police auction. She told ME to take them and thought my idea of putting up a Craiglslist post was fantastic. I was not about to leave them there unlocked, cause I knew the jerkface bike theif would come back for them.


Email me at sjstevens23@gmail.com if they are yours!

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Nice work man! That's pretty disturbing. Makes me wonder how often and organized this might be?
You rule!!!!
I'm thinking 'Why not do more?' was a suggestion and not a complaint.

T.C. O'Rourke said:
Gabe said:
1 good deed is great! Why not do more?

Boy, nobody ever does enough by your standards... I bet she didn't do the naked ride either.
WoW, TC - how do you take something positive and jerk it all to shit like that? ;-) Thanks Ryan, I've figured out that not everyone has the confidence that they pretend to ;-)
Nicely put, Howard. Bike people NEVER get into forum fights...they're all on the same side, right? ;P
Cute puppy! ;-)
hi everyone,
i'm new to this whole chainlink site... can you keep the fighting on my post to a minimum? seems pretty pointless. i don't want a site i thought would help to leave a bitter taste in my mouth.
Cheerfully withdrawn.

Sara Jean said:
hi everyone,
i'm new to this whole chainlink site... can you keep the fighting on my post to a minimum? seems pretty pointless. i don't want a site i thought would help to leave a bitter taste in my mouth.


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