Who did you run into that you know today on your ride? Today was unlike any other day, especially in nice weather.

Aaron at Belmont and Clark and then my brother's ex girlfriend/yoga instructor at Schubert and Clark.

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Wednesday was a busy day! I ran into Adam from Pedal to the People, Larry, Matt G, Natalie and Jamie. And that was BEFORE the picnic.
I saw the famous H3N3 at Halsted and Grand today around 8am ... nice seein' you Howard ;-)

Julie Hochstadter said:
Wednesday was a busy day! I ran into Adam from Pedal to the People, Larry, Matt G, Natalie and Jamie. And that was BEFORE the picnic.
I encountered Julie Hochstadter this morning in the Ravenswood manor area.

I hardly ever see anyone I know on my morning or evening commute, it was a nice experience.
AH! Today I ran into Lindsay Stout, Googie, AND my friend Dave Wolff, all within like 20 minutes. It ruled so hard!!!
I locked up at a rack downtown next to Lauren Sailor's blue bike....
I saw TC when when I had a flat and no pump and was walking to the el. I am now a member of his fan club.
Oh I forgot to add that I saw Ryan L riding down Southport yesterday as I rode to Ten Cat - small town Chicago is alive and well
I see dead people...all the time.
I took a shortcut yesterday behind home depot (North Ave.) and Shar was sitting at a picnic table
(Hideout) having PBRs with her co-workers. Obviously I had to stop and have a couple and there was a shot for the road too....it was so cool !!!!


Martin Hazard said:
I see dead people...all the time.
MYTH CONFIRMED! Saw BK on my way south around mile 10. Turned back north and rode the lagoons loop then we headed back south - to Superdawg!

BK said:
I randomly encountered Tank Ridin' Ryan today on the North Branch Trail. The company was good and so was the suggestion to stop at SuperDawg.
I ran into Michael Brosilow on the lake front path. I was riding the penny farthing and he was running. Rad meeting you Mike I hope you had a good run.


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