Cyclists needed for Bill Signing in Arlington Hgts Monday 7/5

Spreading the word on behalf of League of Illinois Bicyclists:

We just received late notice that Gov. Quinn would like to have a bill signing ceremony for two bike-related bills THIS MONDAY at Campbell Street Bicycle Shop, 13 W. Campbell St., downtown Arlington Heights, at 9:00am.  We need a bunch of bicyclists to attend!  If your schedule permits, please drop by - and let us know via email at
so we can ensure good attendance and let you know of any changes to the schedule.
He will sign the following into law:
1) LIB's bill creating permanent Share the Road license plates for Illinois.  Plate income would sustainably fund our statewide education campaigns for both motorists and bicyclists.  The plate design itself delivers the message, with a Share the Road sign and the phrase "Same Rights, Same Rules".
2) Sen. Silverstein's bill establishing penalties for motorists driving recklessly and unnecessarily close to, toward, or near a bicyclist.  Depending on whether serious injuries result, this will be either a Class A misdemeanor or Class 4 felony.
More details here:
Thank you!
Ed Barsotti, LIB

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landlord? i thought he lived with his mom?

more photos taken by Petra of the EBC...

it was an emotional event for me - felt good to stand behind the Governor while he signed a bill saying what was done to me a couple years ago by a ranking Oakbrook Terrace police officer in his SUV "unit" will soon (as of Jan 1, 2011) be considered a Class A Misdemeanor, even if there's not a lot of chance that the law will be enforced as stringently it should be at first, especially by that sad mope, who at the scene and in court demonstrated repeatedly that he believes perjury is ok, as long as your side "wins" (high fives all around!)

thanks for posting this, Scott. Howard - I wasn't trying to give Suzy away - just wanted to talk to the Gov about getting dogs allowed on Metra. He has a Yorkshire Terrier. He didn't know it's not allowed on Metra.

Scott Hawley said:


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