Did anyone else notice extra police presence on the LFP tonight (Friday, 7/2/10)?  I've been using the path to commute between Michigan Ave and Andersonville for 7 years, often coming home after 11pm when the park is closed.  Only once before have I ever had police tell me the park is closed and I had to leave the path, though I've frequently passed them rousting teenagers and other folks just hanging out by the water.  Tonight I was asked to get off at North Avenue.  Got back on at Fullerton, passed 2 officers on foot and then a police vehicle who said nothing.  Saw another police car at Belmont.  

I've checked the official City of Chicago cycling website and it said that whether or not the LFP is closed when the park is closed is "a gray area" and that if a police officer asks you to leave, you should just do as they ask without discussion.  

I'm curious about other's experiences of being on the path after 11pm.  Whether you've been told to get off the path or gotten a ticket.  Or felt unsafe or threatened.  

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There's this:


and this:

There were stabbing and/or shooting incidents on the LFP between North and Fullerton this Spring and the Chicago Police are being more proactive about rousting people after the park closes (at 11 pm). Be careful out there.
Out of sight out of mind, they don't see you they don't bother you, if they do see you just keep riding and once your out of sight they will forget you.,.


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