Just had to list a few ridicilous ads from CL...Sorry if you are the author!

http://chicago.craigslist.org/nch/bik/878080397.html - Schwinn
http://chicago.craigslist.org/nwc/bik/877188268.html - Custom $5,000 Prototype...

http://chicago.craigslist.org/nch/bik/871297549.html - Art Bike...He started @ $6,500 about 2 months ago...

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I saw the second one yesterday. My favorite line from that is "It changed the way you road a bike." It is a cool bike, but not $5000 cool.
that last one is the only one i could see anyone shelling out for...and it's probably "worth" that much based on the parts and how much time went into making it. (not that it was totally worth it)

i mean, if you want a kickass 5000 "rode" bike, you might as well get a new cervelo which looks damn sexier than that...er, custom. whatever it is. did they mention the frame at all?
I can't believe no one has jumped on this!?!?

Or this;

http://chicago.craigslist.org/chc/bik/884997574.html - $3000 copper plated bike, too bad copper has no wehre near the value of gold and it is a relatively easy to electroplate a cromo frame...He is dreaming!
you have got to be kidding!

Ali said:
Or this;

http://chicago.craigslist.org/chc/bik/884997574.html - $3000 copper plated bike, too bad copper has no wehre near the value of gold and it is a relatively easy to electroplate a cromo frame...He is dreaming!
Ali said:
Or this;

http://chicago.craigslist.org/chc/bik/884997574.html - $3000 copper plated bike, too bad copper has no wehre near the value of gold and it is a relatively easy to electroplate a cromo frame...He is dreaming!

$3k for copper plating actually isn't too far off from where the price of it is going.
It actually is...Copper plating is such an easy process one will be able to do it at home with some ingenuity...I actually e-mailed him and he is living the dream claiming he spent $1500 in parts alone and 6 months of his life on this project...

vxla said:
Ali said:
Or this;

http://chicago.craigslist.org/chc/bik/884997574.html - $3000 copper plated bike, too bad copper has no wehre near the value of gold and it is a relatively easy to electroplate a cromo frame...He is dreaming!

$3k for copper plating actually isn't too far off from where the price of it is going.
http://chicago.craigslist.org/nch/bik/893021629.html - Full CF Schwinn Bike...Claims not to be a Wal-Mart bike but I have my doubts...

dear god that thing is hideous.

Ali said:
http://chicago.craigslist.org/nch/bik/893021629.html - Full CF Schwinn Bike...Claims not to be a Wal-Mart bike but I have my doubts...

Uhh...walmart, bike. We see them in the shop all the time. Pffft.

Ali said:
http://chicago.craigslist.org/nch/bik/893021629.html - Full CF Schwinn Bike...Claims not to be a Wal-Mart bike but I have my doubts...

Maybe I should wait for NTLBM, but I can't resist:

Preposterously tiny bicycle - $3800 (Rogers Park)
I am offering for sale my jaw droppingly diminutive bicycle. These are rare. No low-ballers.

http://chicago.craigslist.org/chc/bik/928943557.html in case my image paste doesn't work.
We rode those during Urban Assault, I hardly think they'd be more than like 100 bucks...maybe he meant $38.00 and forgot the decimal ;o)


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