HOLY $*&!, I did something really creepy today. Are these your stolen wheels?

I was walking around Uptown today and came upon this dude carrying two front wheels with the bolts still on. This looked very suspicious to me so I snapped a photo and took some video. I followed him home and watched him enter his place. Are there your wheels? 

I am not sure what to do about this.

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lol, Craig. If you thought I was sober in the slightest while writing this diatribe than you are a fool good sir. But I know you're not so I hold up my beer to the sky and scream a cheer of celebration :)

Oh, and I feel creepy.
Don't feel creepy, you had good intentions. If all else fails, play the victim card.
You had your wheel jacked on that pub crawl right? I'm sure you would have really appreciated if someone had seen the thief carrying your wheel and followed him right? Or am I just reaching here...

Ryan L said:
lol, Craig. If you thought I was sober in the slightest while writing this diatribe than you are a fool good sir. But I know you're not so I hold up my beer to the sky and scream a cheer of celebration :)

Oh, and I feel creepy.
maybe if you just cut out the arm part and just posted the wheels it would be a little less stalkerish?
...no worries. I don't see it as creepy. You had good intentions, and I applaud you for that.
Laura said:
maybe if you just cut out the arm part and just posted the wheels it would be a little less stalkerish?

Good point Laura! That honestly didn't occur to me at the time. It all happened so fast I just wanted to get it up.
I think you should take the fella's picture down; a description of the wheels would suffice.
Kelvin Mulcky said:
I think you should take the fella's picture down; a description of the wheels would suffice.

Doesn't look like I have the ability to edit or erase the image without killing the thread from the interwebs, but I hear ya good sir.
Unless you saw him Take the wheels or he was trying to Sell them to someone, No way Wrong Wrong Wrong. Not to take the picture, but to post. This could be you. He might have just bought them from someone who did steal them. In that scenario you can always ask where you got those 'cool rad looking wheels'. They could be a loner, a friends set or something bought legit. If this fellow was a friend of mine, I'd call him on the phone to let him know this is in Public Domain.


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