Hello fellow cyclist.
I figure this would be a better place to post besides some of the groups. The more people that see this posting the better the chances of some one who needs a job will get word of this.
Robert's Cycles in Rogers Park is looking for a female mechanic.
Need not be an expert but she needs to know how to handle tools and do basic maintenance. The more experience probably the better.
Robert's Cycles is located at
7054 North Clark Street
Chicago, IL 60626
Ask for Richard

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Hector...why is this exclusively for a female ?

not that I care or it matters, just wondering ...

I have a friend who lives near Granville and Damen and she is looking for some extra Part Time work - I will pass along

how about a dude in a skirt? will that work?
While I will never, ever, complain about the equal treatment of women or more women working in bike shops I do feel the need to point out that if a shop ever advertised looking for only a male mechanic they would be dragged over the coals.

to answer DB's question,one of the female mechanics at the shop is leaving and the owner would like to give another female the chance to get the job opening. Although I have to agree with ND. If a shop ever advertised for only a male mechanic it would be hell to pay.
and Iggi, I don't think a dude in drag or just a skirt qualifies. sorry. =o)
BTW tell them you read this on the Chainlink and that Hector sent ya.
and no I don't get any compensation for this.
notoriousDUG said:
While I will never, ever, complain about the equal treatment of women or more women working in bike shops I do feel the need to point out that if a shop ever advertised looking for only a male mechanic they would be dragged over the coals.

Some of those coals could be ignited in this case by the US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. I'm no lawyer, but my reading of that regulation pretty clearly prohibits advertising for a particular gender when a specific gender is not germane to the gig.
Equal Opportunity law disaster. If I were you, I would delete this post. IT IS AGAINST THE LAW. Posting a wanted position on a web forum IS "advertising for only a ____ mechanic." As you say, there will "be hell to pay." Do good. Delete.

An explanation for a quick refresher:
haven't read the eeoc laws and regulations but I do believe it would be against the law for the owner to only hire men. Besides he is trying to replace the current female mechanic with same. I do believe he is within his right to do so.
I am closing this discussion since I do not want to make it all about who is right and who is wrong.
Please do let your friends know about this open position though.


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