Getting a good deal vs. buying a stolen bike---Tips for buying used bikes?

This afternoon I saw a bike on Craigslist that sounded like a really good deal, however, it seemed too good to be realistic.  I searched on the Stolen Bike Registry and didn't see anything to match it.  I also Googled for "stolena bike make Chicago" and nothing similar came up.


When I looked back later, the poster had deleted the ad.


So, I like to get a good deal and am on the lookout for several people who are looking for bikes.  Any advice to keep a person from inadvertently purchasing stolen property?




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At the Swap O Rama, the identified problem van/group had bolt cutters visible in the back...

buddaa38 said:
Yeah, like they'll have them laying around.

iggi said:
When you go to see the bike...look for angle grinders laying around...
Hilarious, where did that picture come from?

iggi said:
does their back yard look like this?

It is actually 24th Place & Western, at 2434 S. Western Ave.
Open Wednesdays noon-7pm & Saturdays 10am-5pm, come early!

rik said:
Try WorkingBikes at 25th and Western.
All their used bikes are from donations and less likely to be stolen.
The have bikes from $100 - $200
Alan Lloyd said:
It is actually 24th Place & Western, at 2434 S. Western Ave.
Open Wednesdays noon-7pm & Saturdays 10am-5pm, come early! rik said:
Try WorkingBikes at 25th and Western.
All their used bikes are from donations and less likely to be stolen.
The have bikes from $100 - $200

And sometimes the bikes exceed $200. There was a sweet red tall frame 80's Trek eLance there for $300 a few weeks ago. I think the "official" price range is $50 to $300 but there are exceptions at both ends of the range.
On a somewhat OT note, I wonder how much luck you would find posting a WTB on Chainlink? I know I have a frame I wouldn't mind selling. I am sure others on this list have the "neglected" other bike as well ;) What can I say? Bike folk often collect bikes, and you can only ride one at a time! ahaha.
If they have the little booklet / brochure that often comes taped onto a new bike (or the receipt!) they probably didn't steal it.


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