While on the ride to work today, I opted not to consider all my to-dos and concerns. Instead, I tried to be completely immersed in the moment - I focused on the sounds I heard, what I saw, how the wind hit my skin. I noticed shops and streets I never saw before and actually felt the sun hitting me when I emerged from the shadows.  It was a completely different biking experience (albeit, a slightly hippie-ishon) and one that left my completely re-in love with cycling and the city of Chicago. I highly encourage all to try it!

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That's one of the things I like most about biking. It sort of forces me to be in the moment and put aside all other concerns
JeffB said:
That's one of the things I like most about biking. It sort of forces me to be in the moment and put aside all other concerns

I am reminded of a saying that goes around in moto circles: "I'd rather be on my motorcycle thinking about G*d than sitting in church thinking about my motorcycle."
Great saying Tony.

You can go out, you can take a ride
And when you get out on your own
You get all smoothed out inside
And it's good to be alone

-Rush - Face Up from Roll The Bones
nice thought for the day Katie.

It is amazing how much we can miss when they are absorbed in our own little world.
I could use some tips on assuming the lotus position without crashing.
i find myself to be in tha mindset quite often when i ride...which is probably why i ride as much as i do.
great thread.
I agree 100%.
for the last 16+ years cycling has been both my therapy, my best friend and the one constant in my life.
I have added music and it takes it to an even higher level.


p.s. this thread once again confirms that chainlink and chainlinkers rock...

iggi said:
i find myself to be in tha mindset quite often when i ride...which is probably why i ride as much as i do.
i kinda stumbled onto this meditative state of mind a couple of years ago. I started riding to work a couple times a week and the first thing I noticed was how the road was not as level as it felt while driving my car. On my bike I could feel every little change in the grade of the road. I said to myself "what else haven't I noticed from inside my car?" After a while you notice how certain areas have certain smells (good or bad), and all kinds of other things you miss when driving.

This is why I always say you live life more vividly in the saddle...
Get a car hippies.
notoriousDUG said:
Get a car hippies.

Only if I can drive it on the North Branch Trail.
can I blow my vuvuzela from my car DUG?
Love it. When I am skating in the city the 'in the moment' is even more pronounced. Nothing else but experience in the moment at hand can occupy the mind...it's life or death meditation. It's funny I just recommitted to a meditation practice again (sit-down style) that I've been needing to come back to. Today is the first day and I see this post. I am reminded that soon there will be a 'critical mass' in consciousness.


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