Please help gather information regarding June 25th Critical Mass Police Incident

If anybody has more videos and photos of last Friday's police arrest related to this incident:

It would be very helpful if you could link your videos/photos HERE or on the critical mass website. The individuals in the videos will have to go to court and any evidence we can gather from 1st person accounts would be helpful. The flickr photo just before the incident shows the gentleman in the red plaid shirt is taking pictures with his cell phone before he is tackled. More photo/video would assist in clarifying the whole incident.

Thanks to fotomard's flickr photos and brianacondas & crzyjoe5's youtube video of the incident.

Please keep this thread on-topic and post ONLY if you have relevant and helpful information.

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I watched the videos, looked at the photos.
If the individuals that have to go to court are the guy being arrested and the folks interfering, make a deal and plead all of us time and money. And maybe Critical Mass is not for you.
Is it really necessary to have two threads about the same incident?
Please keep this thread on topic. Only post if you have links to photos/video. Opinions and rants can go in the other thread.


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