Let's Stop Bitching about the Oil Spill and DO SOMETHING

I want to organize a fundraising event, or a series of them if it's a popular idea. Let's do something besides ride around booing at gas stations, guys. Let's be a proactive community of advocates for cleaner, healthier transportation and send a positive message to our city.

I'm thinking the first of such events could be a "by-donation" bike wash. Let's get out our chain-brite, our toothbrushes, our chain cleaners, our rags, etc and spend a Saturday cleaning bikes, say at the Polish Triangle or some other popular intersection for bike traffic.

Then let's send all that money to a relief fund for the Gulf. Maybe we have employers who will match our contributions? Maybe ActiveTrans will sponsor? Who knows?

Also, I'd love to make spoke cards to hand out to anyone who donates any amount of money for the event.

I'm just tired of being a bitch about it. I want to feel like I did something, and my limited ability to actually travel south and clean the coast with my hands means I have to clean something here and send money to the people who ARE more capable than I am!

So what do you guys think? Can we do this?

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I appreciate your sentiment, but this is not a protest against the use of oil. It is simply about doing something positive in our community and sending the fruits of our efforts down to a worthy cause.

I don't think it matters who we get the money from, rich or poor. It is purely voluntary donation. If someone gets their bike cleaned and doesn't pay anything for it, so be it, that is their choice. I have hope that people aren't that heartless. Even if someone can only give a dollar, it's another dollar toward helping in whatever way we are able to.

S&Gs sounds like a great idea, and if you have a friend who can provide us space, that's even better! Go ahead and move forward with that, and let me know what you find out.


Great point. I would also like to be more involved in cycling advocacy on a local scale and I agree that we could put on more events and work with groups like ATA to do more good in our city!


Do you want to be treasurer? Help us pick the organization and handle the money?

NOW. Having said all that, I think we can agree plenty of people are on board with this idea, which is really great you guys! :)

Also I am aware that some would prefer to do this on a weekday. If someone wants to take the lead on organizing a week-day version that would be great. I can't, because I work full time.

I know July 4th is coming up and it's going to be a heavy time of vacations and what not. Should we try for the following weekend? My step-dad is visiting that weekend but I bet he would like to be a part of it anyway and meet my friends.

What do you guys think? I'm truly grateful for the response and enthusiasm you guys!
Sweet mercy.

Gabe said:
Sadly I would say no spoke cards. The laminate is a plastic product and requires oil.
Who is riding around BP stations booing? I haven't seen it yet, but I guarantee that it is one of the most hair-brained ideas I have heard of yet. What does it accomplish?
I know michael, it would appear we are on opposite sides of the same coin. We both agree that sometimes people say absolutely ridiculous things. Though we think it about each other.

You don't think there is some irony in raising money for a fight against oil spills by using oil based products? No? ...right....And Matt, what would circling a BP and chanting fuck BP accomplish? Well i don't know if you've been watchin the news (i don't assume cause you might be special) but BP fucked up and activists keep the pressure on. BP franchise owners should suffer as long as they are sending money back to a company that has enough revenue to be classified as a country.

Joe, I'll talk to john about using the side of his building, would also give us access to water and a bathroom.

Michael Perz said:
Sweet mercy.

Gabe said:
Sadly I would say no spoke cards. The laminate is a plastic product and requires oil.
I'm sorry fat ass, that discussion was closed.

But you raise an interesting point. Perhaps rather than givin the money to an NPO that we don't know we sponsor a dinner. Either for a family or if enough is raised, a group of families. That puts people to work while letting a couple families get there mind off bills and cookin and cleaning. Just spit balling but in those high stress situations it's always nice when someone just makes ya sit down and eat.
Can I safely assume that you use corn oil on all of your bike's moving parts in keeping with your ideological orthodoxy?

Gabe said:
I know michael, it would appear we are on opposite sides of the same coin. We both agree that sometimes people say absolutely ridiculous things. Though we think it about each other.

You don't think there is some irony in raising money for a fight against oil spills by using oil based products? No? ...right....And Matt, what would circling a BP and chanting fuck BP accomplish? Well i don't know if you've been watchin the news (i don't assume cause you might be special) but BP fucked up and activists keep the pressure on. BP franchise owners should suffer as long as they are sending money back to a company that has enough revenue to be classified as a country.

Joe, I'll talk to john about using the side of his building, would also give us access to water and a bathroom.

Michael Perz said:
Sweet mercy.

Gabe said:
Sadly I would say no spoke cards. The laminate is a plastic product and requires oil.
Oh michael, you responded to my specific comment about a spoke card. That's all. Assume all you like you're still a very special boy in your mothers eyes. ;-)
Your dad doesn't call you son because you're bright.

Gabe said:
Oh michael, you responded to my specific comment about a spoke card. That's all. Assume all you like you're still a very special boy in your mothers eyes. ;-)
Aren't you the same Gabe that made a rather blunt comment about someone's family members dying on another discussion thread?

Gabe said:
Well he's dead so he doesn't call me much. Now you're lookin' for trouble with the wrong guy. Keep it up.
Since your father is passed, and I am not one to make light of such matters, I will retract my earlier comment and simply state that you're a meatheaded, humorless jock.
I'm a humorless jock? You are an illiterate buffoon. 1st -that thread is closed. 2nd- the idiot chick said "I'm gonna go see my family before they get old and die. is that ok?" She was using dumbshit hyperbole and I called her on it. Learn to comprehend what you read. And i have an amazing sense of humor. I smile more than most people on this planet. But when confronted with apathy and sarcasm and idiocy I show my canines. That's when I'm a meathead. When i tear things apart. Try and stay on task here. k?
You both should stay on task - The name of the thread is "Lets Stop Bitching..."


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