If you haven't seen the article: http://bikeportland.org/2010/06/20/an-estimated-13000-take-part-in-... 

Portland stomped us in turnout for the Naked Ride.

I saw the posting earlier and have been racking my brain as to why Chicagoans, many on this very site, wouldn't attend an event like World Naked Bike Ride-Chicago.

This is an event that stands for several important causes from less cars and less oil to positive body image and safety for cyclists (shows how naked we are on that bike.).

It's also a ride that you can attend or help out with in various manners and different level of dress (or undress) something we call "Bare as you Dare".

Portland is about 1/5th the size of Chicago, not counting Chicagoland and they had about 6x the turnout as we did.

Gotta tell ya Chicago, that's PATHETIC!

So why didn't you come to Naked Ride? There are more of you that didn't than did so why didn't you feel this was important? Was it religion? Poor body image? Weather? Or is it just not important to you?

I'd really like to hear good reasons to not attend.

I have a strong feeling this will just end up falling off the board cause people hate facing there own weakness but maybe getting called out will get you off your duff for next year!

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I didn't attend for any one or more of the following reasons:

A.) Large group events focused on protesting the cause du jour invariably end up morphing into something only vaguely representing their original intent. Just as Critical Mass is currently an excuse for many (though not all!) to get completely blotto and ride around acting like obnoxious buffoons, I forecast that the Naked Ride will eventually attract the skeezy Nudes a Poppin' demographic once it gets enough...err...exposure. Don't be the least bit surprised if you encounter a phalanx of wayward boners pointing skyward like so many fists of solidarity at future rides.

B.) I don't live in Portland. I don't live in Amsterdam, Paris, Tel Aviv, Melbourne, Seoul or Mogadishu for that matter. I live in Chicago, and if this ride had any kind of keeping-up-with-the-Joneses motivation I all the more want no part of it. It's already bad enough that I can't find a decent hot dog downtown anymore; we don't need any more manufactured "culture" polluting what little we have left of our own.

C.) To borrow - and subsequently mangle - a great quote from some high-falootin' military officer, protesting a giant oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico with a naked bike ride in Chicago is like going deer hunting with an accordion.

D.) I may or may not have been out of town that weekend.
1. I didn't know this was competition? Who cares about the turnout in Portland?
2. The tv news in PDX estimated the attendance a 8000, according to a friend who lives there.
3. I think it is great that you guys apparently had a good time doing something you like and put all the effort in organizing it. But,
4. I think it is silly and not worth my time. And that is all the reason you're going to get
Michael Perz said:

A.) Large group events focused on protesting the cause du jour invariably end up morphing into something only vaguely representing its original intent. Just as Critical Mass is currently an excuse for many (though not all!) to get completely blotto and ride around acting like obnoxious buffoons, I forecast that the Naked Ride will eventually attract the skeezy Nudes a Poppin' demographic once it gets enough...err...exposure. Don't be the least bit surprised if you encounter a phalanx of wayward boners pointing skyward like so many fists of solidarity at future rides.

This may be true in a general sense*, but I don't see it happening to the Chicago naked ride due to the fact that the organizers have been admirably bold in making sure the message gets out there that this ride was not created in order to be a stop on anyone's world nudism tour, and admirably bold in reminding people that traveling to the ride by motor vehicle is discouraged.

Which may feed back into the "numbers" question. My point about encouraging people to drive to the ride from outlying areas may have been obscure, but do we know this is not a significant factor?
If so, give me 1500 human-powered participants over 15,000 roof-rackers any day.

* except about boners . . . huh? Sexual activity and public arousal is pretty much never seen in nudist culture . . . additionally, remember that there's alcohol involved . . .
At no point do i ever say competition. I'm asking why a small town can bring more of a turn out then a big city. And so far I'm learning it's people are just more jaded. It's the "Big City" mentality. Or I'm to cool mentality.

And Michael P,(c) does that mean we shouldn't fight at all???
You should take that to mean that I, personally, don't have a dog in that fight. However, anyone that does might consider utilizing more effective tactics if it really means so much to them. Like writing letters to your state's representatives. Or not driving, as I suspect most of us already don't. Or voting come November if you're into that kind of kinky thing. Naked rides are fun, I'm sure, but most people whose awareness you're hoping to raise by participating probably already read the news and know what's going on. It's not like someone will say, "Honey, I saw footage of those poor, grimy pelicans on 60 Minutes last night, but I didn't quite grasp how serious this problem really is until I saw it illustrated on that hirsute gentleman's back."

Gabe said:
And Michael P,(c) does that mean we shouldn't fight at all???
I don't own a car, I do vote, i do write letter's to congressmen so I'm with you but do you see where the weakness is in that? It's all I. Far more powerful a statement occurs when you see x1000 people take to the streets in a peaceful and productive protest.

The crackpot politician can ignore 1 person that's why we have the right to assemble.

So it's lazy and jaded, so far, ahead in the race.
I haven't even finished reading all the responses but I am ready to reply already (hope I don't repeat stuff).

I rode this year for the first time and LOVED it (clothed).

But, what does oil have to do with a NAKED ride? I understand a bike ride having to do with oil dependence, but don't see the connection between oil=being naked. I do understand the positive body image part, that was def beautiful.

You make it seem like everyone is crazy for not showing up.

But, I have to say I was uncomfortable being clothed, especially at the pre-ride body painting party and a number of people asked me why I was still wearing my clothes. That was a first!

I have MANY co-workers and clients who live in The Gold Coast/Lakeview/Lincoln Park. I saw 2 co-workers who ran into the ride and got a text from someone else saying they say me. I don't want naked pictures of me showing up on websites.

I bet the weather played a factor in attendance (I thought attendence was amazing though). If you want more people to come you GOTTA schedule it later in the summer. Last year was even colder than this year. I think a better question than "Why Didn't You Attend Naked Ride" is, "Who Didn't Get A Cold at The Naked Ride?"
You should address the inherent flaw in the scope of your vision. When you see a throng of people in various states of undress riding bicycles you're witnessing a living testament to effective popular action, yet when you quietly write a letter of protest you're suddenly the solitary individual pitted against a seemingly immovable system with your feet sinking in the morass of apathy. You don't want effective action, Gabe. You're yearning for a spectacle.

Gabe said:
I don't own a car, I do vote, i do write letter's to congressmen so I'm with you but do you see where the weakness is in that? It's all I. Far more powerful a statement occurs when you see x1000 people take to the streets in a peaceful and productive protest.

The crackpot politician can ignore 1 person that's why we have the right to assemble.

So it's lazy and jaded, so far, ahead in the race.
Gabe I love you (I hope you know that ) and I LOVED the ride, but I agree with Heather on a number of fronts. Can't she care about the oil spill but not care about WNBR? Maybe if there was an entrance fee and the money collected went towards oil spill relief I would see the connection, but I don't see the ride making such a big impact. Do you think the spectators went home and said, "wow a group of naked cyclists, I'm gonna stop driving! I'm not gonna go to BP anymore". They probably did think, "Wow, 1500 people riding naked, could I ever do that?" Some probably thought, wow that's cool I want to do it next year and others thought, that are crazy!

Also, body image is VERY highly personal, and although you can do some light encouraging, trying to push people to feel comfortable naked especially if they are not "model skinny" is impossible. People have insecurities. Period. Being an example is the best way to encourage people, not pushing them or making them feel bad if they aren't like the norm.

I'd be happy with what we have. It was incredible with a great atmosphere. I wouldn't change it for the world. It was a perfect number.

Gabe said:
Yeah Howard he did. Not looking at nobility, looking at actually getting attention. Apparently Old Dude thinks anything not a part of his 401K is screwball.
See Heather's post for what I'm responding to. She's long winded. In reverse order for ya. I can tell the difference between the fat guy that doesn't care and the person that does cause the person that does care is at the ride. Tada - MAGIC! ;-)
You don't know what I'm referring to? Do drug abusers wanna face their problem? Do alcoholics? If you are afraid of getting naked do you wanna face it? Better for ya?

So far I haven't seen anything negative I've seen people that have hang ups they won't admit. And I've seen honesty.

The IT I was referring to was numbers not infrastructure but that would be great too? Wanna start that thread, write that letter or start petition? I'll sign it! That's being active. And like i said originally you DON'T have to be naked. It's Bare as you Dare. So youth isn't it.

And we cured cancer while we rode too! Boy did you miss out! Save your sarcasm. You said it wasn't that important to you. If i infer that the cause for the ride isn't that important to you as well then i'm not the ass in this discussion.
Great stuff, Julie.
And Gabe, I love U2.
I LOVE getting the "why are you still clothed?"question ;-)

Sorry you were uncomfortable...Hang with security next year. They are the most dressed in the crowd ;-)

June 12th is the day for this part of the world. 2 years ago was perfect, last year was cold, this year cool and wet, maybe it's a 4 year cycle and we'll be good again next year? One of my boss's saw me in the ride cause we passed his house and another manager from one of my jobs was in a cab as we went by ;-) If someone has a job that could be in jeopardy i could see that as a valid response.

I've heard weather and it's not valid. No one is made of sugar.

Yes if you didn't attend I think you are crazy. Much like old dude thinks wearing shorts instead of slacks is crazy. Riding naked is a recognized form of protest. Biking is an obvious form of protest against oil. Some one earlier said that the protest was just exhibitionism, of course we want people to look at us ya fools, we're TRYING to tell you something is wrong. Riding Naked gets the attention. Having the message on your body shows this is important. Not to mention that being naked goes back to the vulnerability of a cyclist when riding. To many cars think of us as another car and being naked shows that if you hit me I don't have a roll cage. There are many reasons for the ride.
some valid points here Gabie.

Gabe said:
I LOVE getting the "why are you still clothed?"question ;-)

Sorry you were uncomfortable...Hang with security next year. They are the most dressed in the crowd ;-)

June 12th is the day for this part of the world. 2 years ago was perfect, last year was cold, this year cool and wet, maybe it's a 4 year cycle and we'll be good again next year? One of my boss's saw me in the ride cause we passed his house and another manager from one of my jobs was in a cab as we went by ;-) If someone has a job that could be in jeopardy i could see that as a valid response.

I've heard weather and it's not valid. No one is made of sugar.

Yes if you didn't attend I think you are crazy. Much like old dude thinks wearing shorts instead of slacks is crazy. Riding naked is a recognized form of protest. Biking is an obvious form of protest against oil. Some one earlier said that the protest was just exhibitionism, of course we want people to look at us ya fools, we're TRYING to tell you something is wrong. Riding Naked gets the attention. Having the message on your body shows this is important. Not to mention that being naked goes back to the vulnerability of a cyclist when riding. To many cars think of us as another car and being naked shows that if you hit me I don't have a roll cage. There are many reasons for the ride.


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