Help! Lost key and now uLock is locked on bike frame.

what the heck to do? Any other options of breaking this bad boy off or just call a locksmith?

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Locksmith would probably be your best bet. You risk damage to the bike by sawing it off.
Mine came with an extra three keys and you could register your key with the manufacturer so that in case you lost all the keys they could send an extra one. Probably not the case for you if your asking this though.
Sawzall, grinder.
I might just try all 3 options. Thanks all, appreciate it!
(will definitely register locks in the future)
I was thinking the same thing...... happened to me once and I had someone come to the rescue. Just had to pay for the blade.

H3N3 said:
If you sit tight there are a number of chainlinkers who can help you.
It might expedite things if you'd post some sort of contact info, maybe a 'junk' e-mail addy at least.
Thanks all. I may have found some friendly chainlinker help.
go to local firehouse, ask nice firemen to help, it's worked before (they got the hardware)
Problem solved!

you guys are the greatest!
This is why you always pick what is behind curtain #1... that is the fugliest vanna white impersonator ever

Julie Hochstadter said:
Problem solved!


H3N3 said:
Let me guess . . . you took it down to Swap-O-Rama this morning?


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