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I agree that these idiots should be charged with attempted murder and the judge and state's attorneys need to be tossed out!

I think Martin's approach is dead wrong and it is shocking that no one on this forum has said anything. I commute by bike almost every day and I consider the bike/car relationship to be a volatile one that often puts my life at risk. The last thing this volatile situation needs is for a bunch of jack-a$$ bikers to jack up people's only adds lighter fluid to the fire. I am tired of all the bikers out there who don't obey the rules of the road and do things to piss off motorists and pedestrians...I see it only makes motorists more angry and you may get away but the next biker that motorist passes may not be so lucky. You can pick a fight with a car, but it is a fight that we will lose. Something needs to be done, there are lots of answers, I don't have them all...but violence will only make the situation worse.

Martin Hazard said:
A perfect example of why I advocate violent responses to problems with motorists. If we dont jack up their car then and there nothing will ever be done.
Stephen P. said:
I agree that these idiots should be charged with attempted murder and the judge and state's attorneys need to be tossed out!

I think Martin's approach is dead wrong and it is shocking that no one on this forum has said anything. I commute by bike almost every day and I consider the bike/car relationship to be a volatile one that often puts my life at risk. The last thing this volatile situation needs is for a bunch of jack-a$$ bikers to jack up people's only adds lighter fluid to the fire. I am tired of all the bikers out there who don't obey the rules of the road and do things to piss off motorists and pedestrians...I see it only makes motorists more angry and you may get away but the next biker that motorist passes may not be so lucky. You can pick a fight with a car, but it is a fight that we will lose. Something needs to be done, there are lots of answers, I don't have them all...but violence will only make the situation worse.

Martin Hazard said:
A perfect example of why I advocate violent responses to problems with motorists. If we dont jack up their car then and there nothing will ever be done.

The judge may not have any choice in the sentencing. It depends on what crimes the perps were charged with. I don't know the sentencing range for aggravated battery so the sentence might have been in line with typical sentences or even harsher than normal. The DA would be person that decided to charge the guys with just aggravated battery and not with attempted homicide or other crimes. It'd be enlightening to see why he or she went for lesser charges.

Martin Hazard said:
A perfect example of why I advocate violent responses to problems with motorists. If we dont jack up their car then and there nothing will ever be done.

Just don't run into a real hard case Martin; I see lots of cyclists talking tough on forums but though most are quite fit they're also mainly middle class and have likely never been a real drag out, no holds barred fight in their lives. But this town is full of people who have. And many of the fellas I know, tradesmen types, carry pistols in their vehicles. So maybe you can "jack up" some Audi but watch out for guys in F-150s and Caddys.

The older and more beat up a guy's car is the less I'd be inclined to tangle with him; he has less to lose, may well be leading a tough and rigorous life and is more likely to be mad at the world and have that little blue light burning in his head. You don't want to end up being his therapy session.

Ahh don't worry; after 10 days in County this guy will be shittin' in a dumpster.
I suspect that yours are wise words Old Tom. Take heed folks. Be careful out there. Vote judges you don't like out. Advocate at the grass roots level. Talk to each other. But, an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind (Ghandi, I think).

Old Tom said:
Martin Hazard said:
A perfect example of why I advocate violent responses to problems with motorists. If we dont jack up their car then and there nothing will ever be done.

Just don't run into a real hard case Martin; I see lots of cyclists talking tough on forums but though most are quite fit they're also mainly middle class and have likely never been a real drag out, no holds barred fight in their lives. But this town is full of people who have. And many of the fellas I know, tradesmen types, carry pistols in their vehicles. So maybe you can "jack up" some Audi but watch out for guys in F-150s and Caddys.

The older and more beat up a guy's car is the less I'd be inclined to tangle with him; he has less to lose, may well be leading a tough and rigorous life and is more likely to be mad at the world and have that little blue light burning in his head. You don't want to end up being his therapy session.

Ahh don't worry; after 10 days in County this guy will be shittin' in a dumpster.
time to vote out Judge Kipperman? but is she on the ballet? or Anita Alverez? maybe they not up for re-election.

the judge chart but doesn't have Kipperman, nor does the sample ballet for my area:

Davo said:
Remember that Judges name when elections come up. We could flood her e-mail with our anger.
Yea I noticed that she wasn't up for retention when I voted yesterday. So I decided to vote no on all judges.
She's not on the ballot.

Here is a link to The Chicago Bar Association's recommendations regarding judicial candidates. The CBA does a very thorough job of evaluating candidates.

Mark Kenseth said:
time to vote out Judge Kipperman? but is she on the ballet? or Anita Alverez? maybe they not up for re-election.

the judge chart but doesn't have Kipperman, nor does the sample ballet for my area:

Davo said:
Remember that Judges name when elections come up. We could flood her e-mail with our anger.
Kipperman is not on the list, but a goot resource is the Vote for Judges website, which lists recommendations based on the imput of area bar associations.

Mark Kenseth said:
time to vote out Judge Kipperman? but is she on the ballet? or Anita Alverez? maybe they not up for re-election.

the judge chart but doesn't have Kipperman, nor does the sample ballet for my area:

Davo said:
Remember that Judges name when elections come up. We could flood her e-mail with our anger.


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