Hi Everyone!

Like all good ideas, this one came to me over a beer.  We had the bull (er, cows) parade before with all the statues scattered around the city.  There's the Picasso statute that looks like a bull.  And then, of course there are the Chicago Bulls (who, fingers crossed might be stampeding again if Lebron James comes to town). 

In light of all of this, it seemed fitting that Chicago spearhead an "impromptu" running of the bulls.  It would operate like a flash mob.  We could decorate/retrofit our bikes to look like bulls.  Then we could have people dress in all white and red sashes and be chased by them.  We could finish up at the United Center (make it like the intro to the bulls games), or the Picasso bull statue, or some other place.  It wouldn't be too difficult to put together as long as we figure out a start and stop point.  Anyone interested? 

I'm thinking it'd be great to do by the end of June or early July as the running of the bulls in San Fermin, Spain starts July 6th.  Please shout out if you are interested in doing this. 


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That's totally fine by me. I can understand why people might be averse to that. I see it as a fun thing to do that does pay homage to the actual running, without the blood and guts. I'm not a fan of the bullfighting myself. The image of seeing Chicagoans running fearfully for their lives as bicycle bulls come at them is hilarious to me. It's quirky and different and provides an entertaining spin on a well known event. And of course, no animals would be poorly treated. :)

H3N3 said:
I think the idea has merit. One thing that comes to mind-- a lot of folks might have ethical problems with the actual "running of the bulls" and the concept of bullfighting in general, so rather than present the idea as a homage to the real thing, you may want to frame it as a humane alternative.
I might be interested, if we all get tickets and they let us ride right up onto the game court. Other wise we would just be free advertising for Jerry Reinsdorf.

On second thought.
It is " the game of chicken".
We play it everyday on chicago roads.
It is not a good idea to promote this activity unless everyone can learn from it.
Spain had the right idea. Real bulls, real people, real consequences, then we all can learn.


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