Hi guys - we'd like to do the July Chainlink bar night (Thursday, July 15th)
in Evanston, and we need your suggestions! Where would you like to
have it? We need a place with a nice-sized bar area that can accommodate 30ish people. Since we'll be well into summer, beer gardens are a plus.


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Tommy Nevin's is one of my favorites with space in the back room that could accomodate 30+ people.
first place that comes to mind is prairie moon.
I'd like to immediately say NO the The Union on Chicago Avenue.
Ok all you E-towners..... Prairie Moon it is!
Excellent choice Julie! I was just there and had a great time!
I can't take the credit.... Willy and Jamie suggested it. Happy you approve though:)) Good seeing you at Tour De Fat!

Seri97 said:
Excellent choice Julie! I was just there and had a great time!
may i recommend starting arrangements for a meetup so a group can ride up to E-Town together?
or a pick-up mass, like how school buses work!

iggi said:
may i recommend starting arrangements for a meetup so a group can ride up to E-Town together?
Hmmm...The link I posted didn't work before. Here it tis.
Evanston isn't actually a suburb. :) It's "Chicago's biggest neighborhood" according to a guy I went to high school with.

Julie Hochstadter said:
Hmmm...The link I posted didn't work before. Here it tis.
i like that idea. map out a route, pick people along pre-determined spots?

yellow jello said:
or a pick-up mass, like how school buses work!

iggi said:
may i recommend starting arrangements for a meetup so a group can ride up to E-Town together?
Next up bar-link Cicero!


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