Possible Stolen Bikes Spotted @ Ashland Flea Market w photos

These bikes were spotted at the Ashland Swap O Rama Ashland @ 42nd st.
Fellow chainlinkers and Chicago cyclists rode to the Swap O Rama this morning to reclaim and find stolen bicycles. We are working in numbers to combat thievery. Here is today's list:

-Specialized crossroads pink rims 
-Gold trek w brown front deep v pink and white saddle bullhorns 
-Black trek 1000 with rack 
-Green specialized stumpjumper, new tires 
-Black Specialized transition carbon with animal rights stickers 
-Blue trek 7.3 
-Felt team carbon argyl on top tube 
-Trek 1000 alpha series reed white and blue 
-Black republic 
-Chrome pista with straight stash handlebars 
-Specializes sirrus black 
-Motobecane record red 
-Giant cypress silver 
-Bianchi volpe green 
-Jamis beatnik 
Note: This list is a user provided list that is unverified.

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The Felt appears to be stolen: http://chicago.stolenbike.org/node/184464

Very good condition. Black bike with white handlebars and white seat. The frame is primarily black with white/light/blue/orange accents. There is also an argyle pattern (blue and orange) on the bike frame. It says "Felt" and "Garmin" on numerous places on the bike frame
Possibly the black Specialized hybrid as well: http://chicago.stolenbike.org/node/184407
Black Specialized Transition: http://chicago.stolenbike.org/node/184356
We got in contact with the owner of the Felt, unfortunately the seller got spooked and left with the bikes.
Also there is 2 African American males selling bikes out of a gray Dodge Caravan with it's plates removed and they had bolt cutters in the back of the van...
Busted, maybe. I hope the potential owners see this and can respond. Just curious ... how does one take action at this point? Unless the bikes have a registration tag or distinguishing mark that clearly shows ownership, seems impossible to prove stolen property. Do the cops patrol these flea markets?
Anyone spot the gold se draft?
Nope, we didn't.

Alex said:
Anyone spot the gold se draft?
Wow... thats super shady. There needs to be a way to bust these thieves though.

Chuck a Muck said:
We got in contact with the owner of the Felt, unfortunately the seller got spooked and left with the bikes.
Also there is 2 African American males selling bikes out of a gray Dodge Caravan with it's plates removed and they had bolt cutters in the back of the van...
Why do you think the seller got spooked?

Chuck a Muck said:
We got in contact with the owner of the Felt, unfortunately the seller got spooked and left with the bikes.
Also there is 2 African American males selling bikes out of a gray Dodge Caravan with it's plates removed and they had bolt cutters in the back of the van...
Were any bikes recovered from today's trip???? I am happy to help as well sometime.
Well with the owner of the felt, he had the serial number posted on the stolen bike registry... Myself, I have very detailed pics of all my bikes and have all the serial numbers written down... No sadly the police do not patrol the Swap-o-Rama. If they did they would bust a lot of people selling pirated porn, dvd's, fake designer bags, stolen bikes, and tools...

jen said:
Busted, maybe. I hope the potential owners see this and can respond. Just curious ... how does one take action at this point? Unless the bikes have a registration tag or distinguishing mark that clearly shows ownership, seems impossible to prove stolen property. Do the cops patrol these flea markets?
Dear All-

Next Police Department Public Auction is June 12, at 2800 S Western, details here. Has anyone ever had luck at these auctions?


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