Anyone else got one? I had to be at work today by noon. And I rode to work (8 miles). Feels like a centurion when you are riding against the wind with liquor breath and a pounding headache....

Bon fire was the sh*t though.

I hope crazy lady is ok in the hospital!

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ya it is a wizard hat! Let me know if you want it back.
I am super lucky I found them ha!
I wasn't a wizard. It belongs to that kid that kept falling off his bike. haha
2slowtrek said:
ya it is a wizard hat! Let me know if you want it back.
I am super lucky I found them ha!
I know you were the Zombie! Your blood looked great. I was thinking he might want it before he goes back to Kansas. He did fall a lot Ha! Sorry I was to drunk to remember Anyones names!

Ammo said:
I wasn't a wizard. It belongs to that kid that kept falling off his bike. haha
2slowtrek said:
ya it is a wizard hat! Let me know if you want it back.
I am super lucky I found them ha!
Wish I'd seen it. ;-)
DEADhex said:
No bumps or bruises, just a smile picturing a hot dog flying in the air.

Gabe said:
What about Hex, any bruises for his over the handlebars extravaganza?
hahaha, can't remember names but the fact he's going to kansas? drunk selective memory.
2slowtrek said:
I know you were the Zombie! Your blood looked great. I was thinking he might want it before he goes back to Kansas. He did fall a lot Ha! Sorry I was to drunk to remember Anyones names!

Ammo said:
I wasn't a wizard. It belongs to that kid that kept falling off his bike. haha
2slowtrek said:
ya it is a wizard hat! Let me know if you want it back.
I am super lucky I found them ha!
This was my first ride and it was great. I had tons of fun and it was good to me the people behind the screen names. I ended up getting home at 5 am and waking up at 9 am then going shopping all day with my fiancee. No hang over for me. Ill just have to try harder next time.
What did I do?? ;-)

h3 said:

Gabe said:
I can only imagine what the crazy girl thought when all the fire trucks rolled up. Couldn't have been much worse than a group of cyclists in costume but still...

Glad I didn't park my bike too far down the gravel slope, there is no way both of us would have made it back up. Happy to trade the daytime on Sunday for such a fun night/morning.

Great job Martin!

it was definitely a blast... i threw together another video if you care to take a gander - it's darker on youtube than it was on my comp, but oh well, im obviously quite the amatuer...i ran out of beer way too early, i think ill have to switch to firewater next time, dont have to carry as much weight - the weight to fun ratio will be much better

you guys had some great costumes - nurse joker was genius, gabe - and ammo's zombie was way more detailed and awesome than i expected, bonus points for the decorated chopper - oh yeah, and the bigfoot costume was great, i need something hairy like that - good work to all

can't wait till the next ride
thank you=)

barefoot = gorilla. Nobody got it, he was even asked if he was a character out of the time machine.

L. Jerome said:
it was definitely a blast... i threw together another video if you care to take a gander - it's darker on youtube than it was on my comp, but oh well, im obviously quite the amatuer...i ran out of beer way too early, i think ill have to switch to firewater next time, dont have to carry as much weight - the weight to fun ratio will be much better

you guys had some great costumes - nurse joker was genius, gabe - and ammo's zombie was way more detailed and awesome than i expected, bonus points for the decorated chopper - oh yeah, and the bigfoot costume was great, i need something hairy like that - good work to all

can't wait till the next ride
Ammo: barefoot = gorilla. Nobody got it, he was even asked if he was a character out of the time machine

damn, really? my fault, just assumed from the face of the thing - never seen a gorilla with a long nose like that - ha - still awesome


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