I am looking for a bike computer with the following features:

Must have:
solar power or rechargeable batteries

Would prefer:
wired connection, but will consider wireless. 

Would be nice:
if it tracked data for two bikes
had a back-light

Any suggestions?  I've done some on-line searching and have not found many rechargeable or solar-powered.  I don't understand why not -- who wants to deal with expensive, hard-to-find, single-use batteries?


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I'd be a little suspicious of this due to the low, low price and the features you want, but it looks to be what you're looking for.

I found this one as well. It is the only solar-powered bike computer that I have been able to find. It looks cheap and I suspect it would break/malfunction within short time.

I am guessing that since battery-backup is important for data and settings to be stored, a solar-power feature has not been a popular additional feature to bike computers. Still, solar with battery would solve that issue. And even better, a rechargeable battery option would be solve it without the need for solar technology.

Or, am I over-concerned with battery life? Do modern, quality bike computers utilize their battery power very efficiently, and therefore run for long periods without a need for replacing the battery?

Lots of bike computers use the CR2032...why not just buy a rechargeable CR2032?


Also note that you don't have to replace the batteries very often. It's something you might have to buy a few times a year, if that.

I use a cheapo-nashbar computer that I just installed last week. It cost something like $20, is wired, measures cadence and also has a setting for doing two bikes, though I suppose you'd have to buy another set to install and just use the same computer for both bikes.
I hadn't thought of using rechargeable CR2032, and did not know that was a popular battery style used in many computers. Thanks jamimaria!
1. Where can I get a charger for a rechargeable Li-ion 2032. 2 Does this battery work with the Planet Bike 8-function computer I use? I'd probably want to keep an alkaline as backup. Any time I have to change batteries, I have to do a total reset on my computer.

jamimaria said:
Lots of bike computers use the CR2032...why not just buy a rechargeable CR2032?


Also note that you don't have to replace the batteries very often. It's something you might have to buy a few times a year, if that.

I use a cheapo-nashbar computer that I just installed last week. It cost something like $20, is wired, measures cadence and also has a setting for doing two bikes, though I suppose you'd have to buy another set to install and just use the same computer for both bikes.
You can find a charger for CR2032 batteries from the same on-line retailer who sells the rechargeable batteries: http://www.batteryspace.com/smartchargerfordualli-ionbuttoncells36v...

Very inexpensive!



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