If you're like me you rarely have time to shop or handle other errands  during the week, so if you're planing to attend the RoS next week be on the lookout for these handy items:

-used jars of any size
-tea lights
-extended lighters of the kind you use to light a pilot light:

-real or artificial flowers or anything else you'd like to adorn a bike with
-sharpies if you'd like to sign a bike (I believe two of the bikes have dedications written on them)

What am I forgetting?

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On the heels of the 2010 Ride of Silence, I invite you to a post-ride meeting to follow-up on last night's Ride - what worked, what still needs work, how can we improve (get more riders?, get more red armbands?, get candles to set out at the ghost bikes?, etc), thoughts on the post-ride gathering.

We will meet at 7:30pm this upcoming Monday, May 24, at 7:30pm at the REI in Lincoln Park.

All are welcome to attend.

Thank you for making this year's Ride of Silence so inspiring.
I know some of it was filmed... what words in particular struck you?

Tommy McBride's friend - Matthew...
Link to some pictures
That is a very well-written piece and nice accompanying photos.

H3N3 said:
I don't know if this was posted anywhere yet but it's pretty damn good.
According to a comment on the Facebook page for Ride of Silence -- 2000-3000 riders turned out for Montreal's RoS.
Here's the link if you can read French:
Coverage on Polish Radio:
(can anyone translate?)
it translates to:
The route passed sites like this one to commemorate those killed on roads, on the 5th year of Chicago's "Ride of Silence"

The photo blurb missed the fact that these were "cyclists" killed by "motorists".

Chicago Ride of Silence said:
Coverage on Polish Radio: (can anyone translate?)


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